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  1. Sunshine Sailor Senshi
    ooc: I'm kind of confused, can someone point me out in the right direction?
    Post by: Sunshine Sailor Senshi, Nov 2, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Sunshine Sailor Senshi
    Tifa was shocked that the heartless had suddenly stopped. Something didn't seem right.
    Post by: Sunshine Sailor Senshi, Nov 2, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Sunshine Sailor Senshi
    Tifa used her kung fu skills on some heartless to the left, it reminded her of the events in the Radiant Garden some time ago.
    Post by: Sunshine Sailor Senshi, Nov 2, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Sunshine Sailor Senshi
    Tifa noticed that the girl started to get tired, so she stepped over. She didn't know why, but the girl seemed kind of familiar, like she had seen her somewhere before a long time ago (or mistaken her for someone). So she felt like she had to help. "Don't give up" she said.
    Post by: Sunshine Sailor Senshi, Nov 2, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Sunshine Sailor Senshi
    Tifa noticed the heartless in the room and started to fight.
    Post by: Sunshine Sailor Senshi, Nov 2, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Sunshine Sailor Senshi
    Tifa tried to make her way around the maze of a castle. Eventually she stumbled into another room, this one with two girls in it.
    Post by: Sunshine Sailor Senshi, Nov 2, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Sunshine Sailor Senshi
    Tifa ran after the guy carrying the girl, she didn't know who any of them were, but she felt like that this was something she must do.

    ooc: I've got school, sorry I've got to go.
    Post by: Sunshine Sailor Senshi, Nov 2, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Sunshine Sailor Senshi
    She had been spotted, "Why should you care?" she shouted, "This is not good" she thought to herself.
    Post by: Sunshine Sailor Senshi, Nov 2, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Sunshine Sailor Senshi
    Tifa kept on running, the people she saw were further away than she thought.
    Post by: Sunshine Sailor Senshi, Nov 2, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Sunshine Sailor Senshi
    The girl seemed to be held captive, by the figures in the black cloaks. Tifa didn't know what else to do, so she ran up to try and rescue the girl...
    Post by: Sunshine Sailor Senshi, Nov 2, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Sunshine Sailor Senshi
    Tifa carried on walking, she could make out what seemed to be three people, one of them seemed to be a girl, the other figures semmed to be wearing black cloaks of some kind. The situation didn't seem to look good.
    Post by: Sunshine Sailor Senshi, Nov 2, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Sunshine Sailor Senshi
    Tifa looked around, she had heard of this place before from Sora on his adventures, "It must be the Destiny Islands" she whispered to herself, she wondered that maybe Sora could help her to return the Radiant Garden, she started to look for him, but something else caught her eye, it seemed to be a portal, she walked through it.
    Post by: Sunshine Sailor Senshi, Nov 2, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Sunshine Sailor Senshi
    Sure , you can call me that if you want to.

    Suddenly the skys in the Radiant Garden started to become darker until they formed into a shade of dark purple. A cold wind filled the area. The wind pressed itself all the way around Tifa, like it was trying to smother her, she could hardly breathe from the cold. The wind blew her up into the sky quickly. The next thing she knew she found herself landing on some kind of beach.
    Post by: Sunshine Sailor Senshi, Nov 2, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Sunshine Sailor Senshi
    ooc: I remember reading the Xigbar the cookie man page, lol.

    Tifa sat and watched the sky roll by, it had been ages since she saw Cloud and Sephiroth disappear in a flash of light. She had looked everywhere, but it was as if Cloud just vanished from all of the worlds, but lately something else had been taking over her thoughts. She could feel a sense of dread, the feeling that something wasn't quite right somewhere.
    Post by: Sunshine Sailor Senshi, Nov 2, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Sunshine Sailor Senshi
    Is it OK if I join? I've been watching you all for quite some time, can I be Tifa? I never played a final fantasy before, but she is my fave FF character in Kingdom Hearts.
    Post by: Sunshine Sailor Senshi, Nov 1, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Sunshine Sailor Senshi
    Cookie Dough please.
    Post by: Sunshine Sailor Senshi, Oct 20, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  17. Sunshine Sailor Senshi
    My favourite worlds:
    Twilight Town
    Hollow Bastion
    Port Royal
    Halloween Town
    The World that Never Was

    The worlds I hated:
    Space Paranoids
    Hundred Acre Wood
    Post by: Sunshine Sailor Senshi, Oct 20, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  18. Sunshine Sailor Senshi
    I listen to music a lot, I don't really listen to English music that much, I listen to a lot of Japanese/Korean. I pretty much have my MP3 with me wherever I go, I'm getting an IPod for Christmas. I'm collecting a lot of CDs as well.
    Post by: Sunshine Sailor Senshi, Oct 20, 2007 in forum: Music
  19. Sunshine Sailor Senshi
    I have one of those small boxy ones, I use it for karioke, playstation and DVD. Bad position for reception on the ariel though, so I can't watch actual TV on it. I watch sky more than just the five channels we have on ordinary TV. (I'm from the UK)
    Post by: Sunshine Sailor Senshi, Oct 20, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  20. Sunshine Sailor Senshi
    Your story is amazing, all the parts were so entertaining, I laughed out aloud with Goofy's security antics, I love the battle scenes as well.
    Post by: Sunshine Sailor Senshi, Oct 15, 2007 in forum: Archives