Error! Error! Does Not Compute! *head explodes* 29223
...O_o ...i just got a Gundam model kit is all... anyways hi
29220 Please Wait... Posting in progress... ... Posting Failed, fatal error, emergency shutdown activated. *falls to the ground*
29215 what happened to the good ol' days when we used to post and be like... 10 numbers off because too many people posted?
29213 i don't wanna see this thread die D:
29211 i feel the sudden urge to begin posting here again
aww... DAMMT! Cheap-*** Stargazer Gundam... *furiously tries to beat TcO*
hiya... haven't been in here in a while... *sits down and plays Gundam Seed Destiny Rengou vs Zaft II Plus*
HI FAMILY! I recently got a Gundam model kit and i am almost done^^ woo! ...this thread needs more activity.
point a flashlight at a dark wall and make him chase the light... jk dunno... i never really had the problem... but anyways, don't worry... EDIT: yeah, what DA said
meh... just anything to block the sound... ...or serve them in DDR
ugh... younger siblings... i say retaliate get ear plugs and start playing the most annoying song full blast...
extreme cold chills? well, if you're shivering, it explains your typing at the moment. get some rest and see a doctor if it gets worse. *gives chicken noodle pwnage soup*
hi family dot dot dot
thanks. /fillerz/
i know how you feel... exceept for me it wasn't my dog... was my girlfriend.
*revived just by being around CtR's pwnage* I LIVE! yeah, i actually tried it... came so damn close...
tried to...*gasp* Air... need... air... *dies*
AH HEM! you have yet to deal with Chuck
*summons Chuck Norris*