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to respond to this from a couple pages back... there was an F-Zero anime AND comic...
Oooooooooooooookaaaaaaay... anyways, hiya family. *cookies to whoever can read this*
I know! isn't it great?
Ignited - T.M.Revolution
Liesssssssss *hiss*
you sooooooo must've downloaded from the wrong site...
xD yeah same here with L after watching Death note, i ate like, almost nothing but Apples...
hiya family...
hi family... i'm thinking of changing my avvy... something more... idk... i've had one with Sora in it since... forever...
you posted when i was posting... therefore, i didn't see... plus, no such thing as too much sleep... meh, to unhealthy addictions to KH-V! *makes it rain cookies*
i know, but when i'm sick and know i should be resting i can't resist KH-V... you really should be resting, but ah what the hell...
hi family.........
i got nothing... and a correction thing saying: "Did you mean DogBoyz?"
Or... the victi- i... i mean subject gets so bored... ... umm... so bored that... OH! ventures out into the world to find self and gets mauled by giant robot!
maybe... although you could write details and make it kinda interesting... like they go to turn on their Game system and they trip and fall out a window...
Bye EB Hi Xemnas 29320
hihi family
29317 hi ev'rybody!