I can't decide i just can't ju-... CtR DogBoyX also rules
holy **** that is all my jaw will let me say without falling off... lol, i do the same...
yeah bit better now that it's capitalized like my "new" one better than my old one?
kinda... i only scared the crap out of myself... no big deal...
...o_O that scared the crap out of me...
okay... talk to you in a bit... also... to the one guest viewing... join us or you will eat the faces of the birds of evil
*sigh* nothing... just having an extremely bad day...
hi again family... :(
i have to go now... bye family...
hi family... it is written, only your majestey can eat enough dinner to protect Zelda
hi and bye D: blah... work...
He would've shrunk by now...
I'm okay now... lol i've forgotten quite a lot though... mostly KH2 stuff... I'll replay it whenever i get the chance...
Must... Have... KH knowledge... can't... live without... QUICK!... somebody... anybody... tell me... a... random KH fact... before... *collapses* I'm okay!... i think... oww... i fell on my keys...
...i'm going to have to play KH ...i've lost mah KH knowledge... all I think about now is Gundam...
I'd soooooo join... that is, if i can...
NR2?! *mourns too* *even though he technically wasn't in NR2* *mourns while hugging new cursor*
hi family... finally got around to replacing my crappy cursor...
Hi Goimez Hi TcO Hi Rosey... wait, Rosey? YAY NEW MEMBER!