out of luck, Kairi isn't there... ah well... let him sleep and.. *whisper* ...not get his cookie piece
well, bright side is, you're alive. now don't do that again. and... all this over a girl?! *cookies and magic hugs*
*sigh* again... *goes off to get Kairi to wake Xemnas7355 up... again...*
don't forget Moogles! no prob Roxma! *huggles Mudkip*
Soku... don't ever do that again... remember this... it takes more courage to run away...
HI ROXMA! *gives cookie piece* *more KH plushies for all*
*gives Goimez cookie piece* so, how is everyone?
Hi Vex123! *gives cookie piece*
I like Chocobos! moogles still pwn though^^ wait... is ChocoMog an option? *munches cookie piece*
*makes cookie giant* *shares cookie with all* ^_^
but... i made it rain plushies for you... D: oh well... i've got like, 5 of each anyway... here... take some^^
not much... making it rain KH plushies here... *rains more KH plushies*
*huggles all three* *compares Terra plushie to Cloud plushie* :/
blah... *revives whoever went boom* *makes it rain Aqua, Ven and Terra plushies*
*holds up kiddie sign saying "Hugz 4 Sale" with a backwards E* well... not for sale... I'll just be hugging whoever wants or needs one... yes i am in a very huggy mood...
aww... i know those days... *hugs and cookies* *rains KH plushies for everyone in the thread*