I never get glitches.
I think the Sanctuary song goes fine backwards or forwards.
0_0 /insertwordshere/
Yes, I need to make the list. Thanks for reminding me. Since we have some members I was thinking we could start soon, and there are still spots open while the RP is going on.
Yes, if you have had paranormal experiences, or you want to discuss them, post them here.
Is there anyone else who'd like to join?
Yup. Who are you going to be?
No you can't be Larxene, sorry. :) Yes, you may be Yazoo.
If you're an FF/KH character then you can have yourself or an original.
You can go to the RP forum and click on a thread titled "The Chase!~" and sign up there! :) Kadaj has already been taken.
Yes, you may. My character: Name: Alsix Age: 12 Element: Light and Darknes; she has a Crystal, a Talisman, and a Scepter Description: Long dark brown hair, large dark eyes, usually wears a tee shirt and jeans with sandals.
All right. Right now I recruiting members.
No. If it's called Impossible then that's why I've never heard of it.
Sure! :) Remember to be EVIL!
I actually gave it a name! The Chase!~ In the RP Forum!
Sorry! I just don't know how to speak it.:o
This is made from a thread I posted. In this RPlay, you can either be a FF7 character or your own or yourself if you like. xXx: Kadaj, Yazoo, and Loz have started a dark cult in a forest. They are recruiting members, and Cloud and his new friends have to stop them before they do something terrible. You can either be with Kadaj or with Cloud. I'll be my owner character: Name: Alsix Side: Good You can also be a KH character Member list: Nymph of Destiny: Kadaj, Larxene Hitna3510: Yazoo, Hitna, Cloud Phisoxa: Self, Vincent Me: Alsix Guardian_Soul: Roxas Chaser007: Scarradaj
I'll do it if you like? I just need a name...
and especially not n00b...
Help...I don't speak binary...