Alsix stopped and peered up into the staircase. She heard voicesteps and automatically closed the door, shushing her two friends to be quiet, even though she nearly squeaked when a family of rats came crawling out of one of the coffins.
OCC: Thanks for the picture Alsix slipped slightly as she heard Hitna coming towards the cave. "Hurry!" she said to Phisoxa and Scarrac, pulling them down the steps. Alsix shrugs as they she yanks open an old door. It nearly falls on her. "Until Kadaj reappers we won't know. They're probably plotting something up there - AH! Coffins!" Alsix points as conffins laying strewn out on the floor.
Alsix told them to hold onto her hand, and she led them carefully but quickly down the winding steps.
Alsix motions for her friends to follow her, pointing down in the darkness of the cave. There were steps there, leading to a underground corridor. OCC: HTML would work, or just post the URL.
Alsix pants and smiles slyly. "I was saving your hide, silly." she says, then sees Hitna coming and runs into the darkest depths of the cave.
Alsix watched quietly as the three fought wildly. She then closed her eyes, and then, her brown eyes turned yellow and she screamed 'Wind!' and a gust of wind blew up into the air. She grabbed Phisoxa and Scarrac and pulled them into a cave.
Alsix panted her thanks and lay on the ground, stunned.
Lol, what?
Alsix looks up and gawks. Loz was holding her tightly and was weaving through the trees to a stunned Phisoxa.
Yeah, sorry. Alsix frantically tries to fight Yazoo but he's too strong. Tears began sliding down her cheeks. Then, a great big motorcycle roared up the hill, and Yazoo leaped back as a hand swooped Alsix up.
Alsix sees Phisoxa and she is caught off guard. Yazoo grabs her hair and pulls her against the wall, laughing wickedly.
Alsix stumbled across Yazoo, who glared up at her with his blue-green eyes with their cat-like pupils. "Hello," he crooned, reaching for her ankle.
"NO!" Alsix yelled, and she lept onto a box and ran out. "PHISOXA!" She screamed, seeing the other girl standing up on the hill, face-to-face with a sneering Yazoo.
Alsix's heart pounded. She knew Phisoxa was in danger somewhere but Hitna was below, looking for her. She prayed she wouldn't find her in on the rickety balcony. Alsix screamed and ran, but the balcony was wobbling and both she and Hitna stumbled. She was too frightened to use her powers and she doubted she could hold up the balcony.
Alsix looked around wildly. She saw the ladder and climbed up, hiding in the darkness.
Alsix swung around, surprised. When she saw the girl standing there with Kadaj and Yazoo behind her she ran quickly away into the dark and deserted building. OCC: Kadaj's cult is like a gang looking for mother and trying to destory Cloud's followers.
While Phisoxa had been battling Kadaj and the others, Alsix had slipped to the cult house. It was a tall, abandoned building with broken down doors and windows and wobbly chain link fence surrounding it. Alsix looked up at the fence. She was not very good at climbing fences, but the gate swung easily back if she pushed. She did so lightly and it swung open, looking around for Loz, Yazoo, and Kadaj.
Well, my name will become gold and now just blank white.
Ze picturez? I don't thinkz that iz e good ideaz, zhe iz on e rampage. (Swedish accent)
And I have 487 posts currently now...I'll need 1,000. So: 1,000 - 487 = 513 So, I have 513 posts left to go. How about you?