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  1. N
    Loz nodded and didn't question her any furthur. He followed Yazoo as they sped off into the distance.

    Even though Scarrac ignored Cait, the robot cat continued to babble.
    Post by: N, Aug 7, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. N
    "Absoulutely." Loz agreed. "Let's go!" he jumped onto his motorcycle.

    "Sorry," Alsix stuffed her hands in her pocket and picked a lily, placing it in her hair. I wonder if Phisoxa knows..., she thought, glancing at the other girl.

    Cait Sith ignored Scarrac's tone and continued to babble about Cloud and his friends.
    Post by: N, Aug 7, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. N
    Cait Sith stared at Scarrac for a while. "You know, I thinks Sephiroth is comings back." he said, trying to make a conversation with Scarrac.

    "Probably because she was here," Alsix gasped. She could read minds!

    OOC: Did you notice Alsix likes Vincent?
    Post by: N, Aug 7, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. N
    "Oh," Alsix said. She blushed slightly pink but made like she was getting hot. "I'm going in the shade," she said in a falsely high voice. Was it just her, or were Phisoxa and Tifa exchanging knowing glances?

    "In Cosmo Canyon," Loz replied briskly. "Tonight at 1:00, he said be there."
    Post by: N, Aug 7, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. N
    "Hey Lynn, Kadaj is getting some new guys. They're some bad***, maybe they'll help us get that girl and kill her buddies." Loz's face broke out into an evil smile.
    Post by: N, Aug 7, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. N
    Yeah. :p Loz just doesn't like people bossing him arond, lol.

    BOT: Alsix hoped Phisoxa didn't notice her blushing...
    Post by: N, Aug 7, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. N
    Alsix nodded. "On the phone or in person?"
    Post by: N, Aug 7, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. N
    "When's the last time you've spoken to him?" Alsix asked, looking up at Phisoxa and twirling her pearl necklace between her fingers.

    OOC: Would you like to be Vincent, Phisoxa?
    Post by: N, Aug 7, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. N
    Alsix blushed slightly but hid her expression. "I didn't know you knew him," she said a bit shyly.

    Loz grunted and nodded, putting his hands on his hips. "All right, kid, just don't boss me around any more." he grunted, sauntering off.

    "See," Alsix said. "Don't you feel better. Now don't get angry with anymore people...especially Reno and Rude. They easily tick people off." She sat on a chair and pulled her long dark hair back into a ponytail.
    Post by: N, Aug 7, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. N
    Tifa nodded. "Yes, he's fine. I suspect he's wandering around somewhere..." she gave Scarrac a noggin. "Mind your manners, boy."

    "You need anger management," Alsix teased gently, giving Scarrac a glass of cold water while she sat Cait down on a table. "Do you have Cloud's cell phone number?" she asked, "I want to call him."
    Post by: N, Aug 7, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. N
    "Don't do that!" Tifa grabbed Scarrac back, and Alsix picked up Cait from the floor. "I'm okay..." Cait said. "I get thrown around all the time."

    Loz looked around. He heard voices from deep within the church and pointed. "They're in there." He whispered.
    Post by: N, Aug 7, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. N
    Loz nodded and stopped his motorcycle outside of Midgar's broken down gates.

    Alsix laughed as Cait Sith climbed all over Scarrac, messing up his hair and tugging his coat. They had no idea who was coming up outside.
    Post by: N, Aug 7, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. N
    Tifa smiled. "That's the spirit, Phisoxa." She laughed at Alsix, who was being glomped by Cait Sith. "Mind him, he's so excited." Cait Sith jumped off Alsix and jumped on Phisoxa wildly.

    OOC: Thanks! :) No more spamming, back in content.

    "Midgar, eh?" Loz raised his eyebrows as he followed Yazoo through the forest into a desolate field.
    Post by: N, Aug 7, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. N
    "Let's hurry...wait..." Loz frowned. "Where are they?"

    Tifa motioned for Phisoxa, Scarrac, and Alsix to come inside. "What about Aetius?" Alsix asked.
    "Take him in here, he's not very big." Tifa said, and Alsix untied her bird and led him inside. A small cat like object jumped on her leg...
    Post by: N, Aug 7, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. N
    Yeah, that'd be awesome! For the PS2, also.
    Post by: N, Aug 7, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  16. N
    Oh, thanks.

    Alsix, "If Cloud is in Healin with Rufus why doesn't he help us? Sephiroth might come back!" she said, frustrated.

    Tifa nodded, her face pale. "I know," she said in a strained voice.
    Post by: N, Aug 7, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. N
    Loz nodded, and motioned for Hitna to get on the back of his motorcycle and Yazoo to get on his.

    OCC: Heiland? I don't remember any place like that....
    Post by: N, Aug 7, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. N
    Tifa nodded. "I understand. It's worse now that they've gotten stronger." She sighed and twirled a finger around her long black hair. "The other problem is, Cloud is nowhere to be seen, I've been worried. Yuffie's called thousands of times but she says he only screens his calls..." She broke off, tears shining in her eyes. Alsix frowned. She had to find Cloud!

    Loz nodded. "Kadaj won't tell me what Alsix has but he says she has a very ancient power than makes her a 'Keeper'."
    Post by: N, Aug 7, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. N
    "Of course, but first, we need Alsix, don't kill her...Kadaj wants her for some reason."


    Alsix found Tifa waiting for her with a sack. "This way," she motioned. She and Tifa found Phisoxa, Aetius, and Scarrac hiding under the eaves of a house. Tifa gave them bowls of hot soup to eat and asked them what was going on.
    Post by: N, Aug 7, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. N
    Loz nodded. "We'd better get Yazoo..." he said, walking off into the forest back to the abandoned warehouse.

    Meanwhile, Alsix clenched her legs around Aetius's sides as the phoenix touched gracefully down to the ground with Phisoxa. She tied him to a peg in the wall and went to find Tifa.
    Post by: N, Aug 7, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home