Archer! yay you came back for some reason >> jk EDIT: We really need to move to Canada!
you're welcome! oh and yeah make it into a 3d movie so that everyone will remember khv -randOm-
you're welcome and you remind me of someone I know. I just can't pinpoint exactly who!
WOW! Mari, that is so awesome! Congratulations! I hope that you'll be famous, someday!
that's so awesome! The colors matched! 9.5/10
ロクサス, you really look like a Pilipino! btw, nice pic!
Yeah, it is The Writer's Block
OMG! you found us, roxas!
What a great theory! here's mine: Maybe the letter was from the future containing the Keyblade War that was gonna happen. Maybe it was sent by the future king Mickey to warn Sora, Riku and Kairi about the upcomng war and the Future Organization Members were behind it. Somehow, one of them survived but we really don't know how and started the new Organization in Castle Oblivion after the final battle.
gah! so many juicy rumors!
i got the message this is what i heard: Sora: Namine, sorry ???? when i went away ?????? what else could i remember ???? you were meant far-off where else, from the ocean ???? i believe that it's Roxas who said that and not Sora.
wassup?! ohhh, Kaira can i join the gangstas?
XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Demyx does sound girly >>
*ish quiet* that is waaaaaaaaaay too scary!
no, I mean before there was no FH
then why do we have one?
3487 kitties on the wall 1 fell down and there's *counts*
i agree with Axel oh and congrats DA!
O.O ZOMG! that's so pretty! thanks Raven! ^_^
idk, NRA just disappeared, i guess...>>