okay CarbuncleGem, you're in!
thank you for posting it again, DK ^_^
yeah, weird isn't it?
lmao! okay ukali_riles you're in!
yay a Kairi! okay Kaira, you're in! ^_^
rena and doubledude94 ure in!
okay rat, you're in! i need more characs =O
^my reply
XDDDDDDDD if that happens >> << well, a lot of players and fangirls will be happy!
i just turned 14 last month
after years of scientific research and studies and after sleepless nights of grueling eyebags, scientists found out the greatest discovery known to man. Scientists believe that this is the key to life and that is... YOUR ZIPPER ISH OPEN! =O
i really don't care about my grades but the problem is i get high grades! =O tis true!
well, ure already in XP
that's proof that DA ish bored! XDDDDDD
sorry about that! my eyes are just tired that's all.
OMG! it's too bright! my eyes hurt a bit
thank you! wait, i thought 5 is for the rating of amvs and 10 is for graphics!
This is my 1st time in this style of siggy making. This took me about 30 - 40 mins to complete. CnC?
The journey has ended for Sora, Kairi, and Riku. Their time of struggle was thought to be at an end, but little did they know what lay beyond the horizon. Destiny brought their hearts together… …now fate will tear their hearts apart. ~Kingdom Hearts Battle Royale~ An rp based upon two great franchises, you can choose any of the characters from Kingdom Hearts to participate in this death match. One character will take the role of the event’s curator, and from there, you will all be subject to his rules. Template: ScreenName: Character: How you would act: Reason for joining RP (Give a good reason >.0): …time is of the essence to surviving this cruel world… (tnx to twilightsown for the intro!) 30 Characters: Boys # 1 Sora - Sora-Riku # 2 Riku - twilightsown # 3 Roxas - DarknessKingdom # 4 Leon - waytothedawn # 5 Cloud - Rat # 6 Donald - King Mickey # 7 Sephiroth - ukali_rules # 8 Xemnas - riku1186 # 9 Xigbar - # 10 Xaldin - # 11 Vexen - The Reflective Superior # 12 Laxaeus - # 13 Zexion - Zexion of the Twilight # 14 Sai'x - Dark Roxas # 15 Axel - burnitup # 16 Demyx - doubledude94 # 17 Luxord - # 18 Marluxia - AkuseruVIII # 19 Tidus - # 20 Wakka - RoxaSorAligned Girls # 1 Kairi - KairiSoraKeyoflight # 2 Namine - Rena88 # 3 Selphie - # 4 Yuffie - Dimetrix # 5 Aerith - # 6 Tifa - Jade Rhade # 7 Yuna - kairi8424 # 8 Rikku - MookieTheKeyToDestiny # 9 Paine - # 10 Larxene - CarbuncleGem Notes and Rules: - Due to what DS announced, I'm doing this, again! - Those who signed up before, please repost your template again. The slots are reserved for those who signed earlier. - I'm not gonna participate in this rp. I'll just narrate the setting. Oh and i'm gonna be the lady in the video. Got that? - Romance is accepted. Yaois and Yuris are accepted too just be on the PG-13 level. - Once the characters are completed; I'll pm you guys on when the rp is gonna start.
Dang! so that's why my activities today are missing. thanks for the reminder DS