섶 ^ That one was accident again. 긆 122203654 긆 YES I FIGURED ONE OUT. I Say I Love You - D.S.
o.o Google helped me figure out they're Korean characters. Baby I'll Let You Know - Darren S.
깈 Lol I have no idea what I'm pressing. XD Save Me - Darren Styles
Disco Lights [With Ultrabeat] - Darrren Styles o.o Then I dunno..
Getting Better - Darren Styles You gotta hold Alt press some numbers, let go of alt. 뙬 ^ ooo i figured out another by accident.
Flashlight - Darren Styles ♥ hardcore oontzzz. 싖 ^ Doesn't that look so interesting. I pressed in some alt+number combo and I got that. XD
:/ Stop it.
Sunblind - BT & PVD Feat. Jan Johnston ♥ 10 minutes of amazing.
Wilderness - Jurgen Vries feat. Shena
._. wow you're not creepy at all.. ... n I actually dunno what I'm listening to right now.
._. I heard Sims 3 was like... EPIC. ___________ >:c Same song~
hahaha Mistaahh XD
._. I don't think it's really a battle. N yah you don't have to pay for online gaming so that's also why I wanna ps3. ______ ~Same sooonng~
._. I dun wanna PS2. ;_; Assassins Creed 2 is coming out and God of War 3 for the ps3. I can't wait. <3 c: omg lol. 0: I heard of that game and it looks so pretttyyyy and omg so lifelike o_o. <3 Song btw. __________ Everlong - Foo Fighters
Oh I watched it all on the internet every Sunday when it was being run in Japan and subbed basically in a few hours. XD ;_; The weekly...
._. This is true.. but I think I'm gonna wait some more.. x_x Kind of too expensive still. And I just dislike the 360. I'm not that much of a gamer. I won't use half the stuff the 360 can do. Green Grass and High Tides - The Outlaws edit: ;_; Thieves broke into our house for the first time n stole easy-to-carry electronics.
._. Well I've played.. But I don't have it.. My ps2 got stolen like 3 years ago. And my parents never bought me another console... I want the ps3 I think. When You Were Young - The Killers
Oh god, I know right. I'm pretty sure it's my #1 anime. :/ I mean seriously. I think it's phenomenal.
hey misty didn't post in the wrong thread no siree bob.
xD I miss Code Geass now. c: No problemooo