I plan on not leaving you anymore ;~;
:/ Hm, this is kinda tough. Can't exactly tell what's in Naoya's. Ghetto's is so silly it's awesome, good job. XD Hayabusa's seems a little too plain. My vote goes to beezygee. Colors are awesome. Effects are awesome. Can't go wrong with classic text. =\ But maybe it's a bit too sharp?SQUEEomfgZLOMG I <3 CASSHERNbtw!!111 =D I suck at graphics. You should all know that. <3 Don't take my criticism to heart.
:T You gonna be around for good?
... Zott...
c: Yes but it was you that came up with the theme. He just did the coding. :P C: And mkay! :3
Not what you said last night.
:3 D'aaaw. <3
D: I asked first. Uncanny because I'm magical. D: Quit whinning. c: jk.
Can I just say you did a wonderful job on the skin. <3 And can I just ask you to do my user profile. O_O Yours is beautiful and I'm far too lazy to mess with it myself. D:
Quite... dandy. lol Life~
Oya so hawt. :V
D< Mechanical ftw.
Soooo serious.
<: I wanna see Ctr's room.
<3 Crackers. :B At least I don't smell like corn.
hahahaaaa. :/ Mine's messy too. *takes pic* brb :y kay so here: Spoiler Yup that's a bleach poster from back in the day. Silly pic, distract yourself with the stuff aminals. Silly pic on mirror is me :y sshh. Messy bed.
C: Smiley face is brilliant. I would wear that one. Not the rest though. Smiley needs to CnC, IMO.
No seriously, it's fucking beast.
Christ your avy and sig are amazing.
xD lol oohhh