There is no difference, TTM. :T This thread is so pointless.
Well, I don't know what I want to major in.. :/ So I'm trying to figure that out.. And I'm still working at the same place I have been for the...
Holy ****, you're actually back? Damn it I have to go to work. Later.
Me too. Bit it's a little hard to juggle both worlds. :P
:P Narative essay, eh? That reminds me, I gotta print my essay out. D: Lol you should read it, it's pretty lame but kinda funny. And ty, I love my wall too. Although it's a large wall so that's actually not the full picture.
:/ Yeah but I don't need add-ons.
I want to use its fur for shoes.
:/ I've been using Opera for like a year, I think. :/ I've used every browser out there and I like Opera the best.
D:... Why you gotta be so mean. >:I Get back in your cage, Mark.
Lolz bump. Spoiler
Pshhhh. D: But he's never coming back.
Aw, you should customize it. xD dude. :P That should remind of you of DS instead. He's the one that's going to bend.
Lmao. Did you seriously just bring that up again XD
Thank god. <3
This... is not true.. At all. :/ Wtf are you talking about. Opera has so many more features.
:C Everyone should at least try it out... If you don't like it, then whatever, get rid of it and use that gross FireFox. ;x
lol.. :B probably, you guys are so scared. :/ I mean it's fine that you all use .. D: firefox... :/ but odds are I'm going to try and convert you.
Those are REALLY weird names.
Psh. My browser is what you're looking at. The style. It's pretty. And it's not Firefox. D: Firefox is disgusting. This browser is called Opera. D: And the real question is what does everyone else use but I have gotten NO straight answers. >;I
Wtf kind of classes are those.