i said yes i know the news *cries more* -axel12- you got a problem with me?!*gets some kunai into hands* i know how to throw these!
*go to corner cries* y-yes...
im good!!!for once im safe from F_A!!!^.^
Hi Peoples!!!
gotta go peoples...TT.TT
its o-okay. i just--cant get over that stupid girl F_A!!!she was probrably the first and last GF ill have!!><
no, n-not all better now!!! *drops the rose that was in my hand*
*buzzards pick my ear off*
no!!!!!thats the "m" word for me!!!>< i die when i hear it because i was dumped!!!!><
*dead inside and out*
O.O m-m-m-married?!O.O *starts to cry hystericlly*
do u know how to make cursors mom?
it wont work because it needs to know what created it...
i am...cancer and rat.>< i hate horses...
okay!!!THANK U!!!!! ^^ I HAvE THE SAME!!!wait...this is 93? i got three pgs to go...
whats a smosh?
*chews the bark of a tree* what?
momma!!!hey...do u know how to make a cursor? ive been looking for a kh cursor (the nobody sign) and i cant find it!! does PS make them?
-Tidus- NON-BELIVA!!!!!*weirder than hisnobody*
*bursts into lightning speed, shooting at NeD*