u seriously screamed like a girl? woah HI!!!!!
*no more party* >> i have to go...*sigh* later peoples!!!
bye rachel! *stabs muskrat behind me wile waving*
*notices muskrat* huh?! *destroys muskrat with keyblades*
HI RACHEL!!!XD havent talked to u in a while!
VERY hard to hate you, no-no...u know what i mean -other people- DROP IT.NO COMMENT ON THAT.
im talking about your back hurting from 'da paper route!>.>
>> shut up.....
im sorry...........XD
AGH!!*gets tackled* a ha ha ha!^^
ummm hi to u too, no-no!^^; XD
hi peoples
hi peoples!!!
okay, ian, jazz, put the rings on each other and ian, kiss the bride!(making it short cuz i gotta go, like NOw.)
okay, now jazz, do u blah blah blah...do u take Ian to be your...husband?*jumps back off podium with rings*
erm... we are gathered her today by Ian and Jazz to tie the knot. now ian do you blah blah blah do u take jazz to be your...ummm wife?*jumps down and holdds rings out*
may we start?*podiums too high* O.O' >.>" *lowers podium*
ill be the best man AND preist!!!i guess...