im like iP, i cry for no reason sometimes XD *ish tearing*
*gets in front of the door and kills muskrats*
i have the manga and ive watched the anime!!!IT ROX!!!! notice im not really smiling...
IM GOOD!!!^^
im good!!i just practiced with myself on tennis!!!^^i served and hit
hi guys!!!whats up?
I AM!!!!hi rachel!^^
i tried to go master on a xigbar battle....I GOT FINAL FORM.
i officially hate larxene now, that wasnt right....i cryed when she killed demy-mey'd.
fine with me, just PM Jade Rhade
oh fine...*rips shirt off* >.>
fangirl......XD no way im competing with u two... we already have guardians and protectors.
>> i dun wanna compete
*kicks riku* shutup, would ya?
what song?
no sorryyyyyy...
hes playing the other new prince