O.O holy crap.
can i help u kill him, vincent!?
*headaces like crazy* ow...OW!!!*starts going crazy like how roxas did*
what, youre movin back in?
umm...do i wanna know?
thanks tidus...
im in the kadaj fam, got it memorized?
>.> STUPID GIRL WHO BROKE UP WITH ME!!!!shes saying "i hate you" MORE THAN EVER!!!><
u can be happy now. oop, meh bad.
youre--*chokes* choking--me--
...i matured and then i felt guilty.then figure the rest out.XD
*sighs* username:iChristian title:guardian/quiet artist hiding partners:Shadow the Hegehog ...
its gone...
I WAS ONLY-- i AM just like iP, i start fights to.
...you like like him...dont you?if u want him to stay so much...
*rips arm out of your grip* u cant stop us.im leaving because iP and me are light and shadow,im the shadow. -everyone- im sorry.
now you're making me feel bad...iP!ill be over in a sec. i'm sorry, i want to be with iP because we're like real brothers, where ever he goes, i go *tears* im sorry...hisnobody.*wipes tears off of hisnobody's face* im truly sorry.
he was talking to khchick dont cry. pick yourself up and try again. dont fall.
*hands hisnobody a picture* http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u203/Itachi_642/hisnobodydeepdive.jpg[*/IMG] i come back to you, i promise.
*turns back away from everyone, following iP, then walks out door*