38 MB?!? >____> Damn...my computer is barely 40. XD
This thread phails.
what's the point of spam? D:
Eh...the good ol' days. When I was still 13. Good times...good times.
Have you ever considered a name change?
Same here, man. I can't believe it's been almost a year already at KHV.
What a pedophiliac.
Comprendo. Comprendes?
lol. this made me lol.
Er...I'm about to start watching Gundam 00.
L owns at VAs.
I'm gonna be Missingno.
.... My Mew died. D:
Lol. .
I haven't gotten the flu shot in 4 years. Still haven't had teh flu. ^^ ...or the chicken pox. >_>
*uses Missingno. glitch* >D
Questionable, indeed.
Hm... I'm on the dog's side. ^^
OMG. You're like...here. XD