WB, so how was the break, of somethin...
Kay ^^ I´ll work on with the storyboard..
Indeed, It will take a lot of work, but I hope it´ll look good ^^
Do you know the Nightmare before Christmas from Tim Burton? It´s stop motion...
Yeah, we have to make a stopmotion movie. I never did that, but I´m eager to try :)
Not that much, I´m working on a storyboard at the moment.
Doesn´t matter, everyone is busy this time of the year, it will be better in the summer, I´ve also been away for a while...
Aww poor you! Well, take some rest if you can! And I´m doing fine
Sometimes you have to learn lessons the hard way...
Oh, so they are important.
Meh, yes, me to, some ultra sweet extra chocolatish ice-cream...
XP, I know you do....Would be bad if I didn't...
Meh, I need to guys, I think I'll see you again tommorow! Bye!
Kay, I'll miss you! And Maiky too!
The o is the head, the r are the arms, the z are the legs orz, you can see?
No really, I do, I make friends that way. And to be honest with you, really, I love you as a friend, you are really kind and sweet to me
orz is a bowing person, look closely, XP, and I don't care too much about the details
XP, I say stupid stuff, blame me!
Thank you orz
I'm just starting at both of em, I'll send you it when it's done. Promise!