Yeah, I do like them, XP Cody, what are you going to do with em 'now? Makin' a story?
Really, you did, Have any pictures :p
Xp, nice to hear that you've rested a bit. That's always good for your health ^_^
AND chocolate! But, yeah, the seiyans would make it awesome, are we going for plain old Goku?
It is? You should do something to spice it up, XP You can come to Holland, I'm having a boring vacation, so I don't mind.
They both take a lot of work, and some practice...But I think I'm good with having just the stopmotion videos
Just a normal check or somethin else? And being ahead of classes can be realy fortunate, XP
Me to, I want to draw them, but I always screw up... But My sis is really good with a digital cam, I think I'll ask her to take pictures, Xp
Yes, I am, Xp, now this is real work, I wanted to animate something for years!
Oh, you are a chick, Is your dad the one who wakes me up every morning?
Ah, you know how glad I was when I saw the first flowers! I still want to make pictures of them...
Oh, and a stopmoyion movie ^_^
I made a topic for that Luna, and I decided to get White. It's on the general game chat...
Xp, ok, I'll pray for you, hehe. Otherwise you can have my chronic bowel disease, makes it impossoble to go to school some days, Xp
Ok, XP. als ik van mijn zus erop mag, XP ga ik je toevoegen.
Xp, that's nice right?
Arts, I'm working on Animations at the moment.
OmG, Cloud Thank you, that's just what i needed. I think I'll choose White....
I always buy the one that less people buy, XP. But I didn't know If it made a great deal. Black and White are without the old Pokémon, aren't they?
Xp, I just saw your treat, sorry How are you?