According to everyone I did a good job.
lol, same here.
I need it though...dang it. I made my current sig. ^^
Yes it would be. We had our Christmas concert last night and the director says, "I need a need to be the lead Soprano. No pressure or...
Heh, that's the opposite of me. I usually buy whartever i like. xD But I need to stop doing that and get a dang job...
Exactly! Oh well. Maybe we'll have the feast when we get back from break.
I'm good. I downloaded the trial of Photoshop CS4 and I absolutely love it. Too bad I can't afford it. D:
So am I. That's why I'm saving up all of my Christmas money.
Yeah, I know...but still. I wanted to see the middle school's play. D8 And the food...oh, the food...
I'm bored. How are you doing today?
Both. Good 'cause we got an extra day of break. Bad because we didn't have our annual Christmas Festival at our school. D:
Tell me about it. But I need it for my future career. Better start saving up money...
I got the day off due to this horrible storm we have. No prob.
Yeah because the actual program is 700 bucks. xD
I'm good, you? I forgot to tell you, I love your name. It's cute. X3
Okay. Took me a while to get used to Photoshop. Too bad I only have it for 30 days. ._. I mean, I could get a keygen and get it illegally, but...
So, you're a supermod now? I knew it was going to happen eventually. Congrats. <3
What do you think? Oh, darn it.
Notice my sig? xD I can't stop listening to them. Help. D:
I've become a Paramore fanatic. xD