I already heard it before. Yay for Wendy's. 8D
xDD I want to hear Larxene on my tv. D8 EDIT: Lol, did I call it. The cutscene with her and Axel just came on. xD
It was both. xD
Geez. Yay, I just beat him. I think I'm a lot better when I'm comfy. xD I just brought my PS2 up to my room from my basement.
I forgot to look. ._. Oh, 20. HP:245 CP400
Yeah, i know. Dx I finally leveled up, though.
It takes so long to level up. >.<
I hate him. >_> So, did you do Reverse Rebirth too?
Exactly. xDD Oh, I can't wait. I liked that one too. It was good; how about yours?
I'm still fighting the Trixster. xD
Oh okay. I'm starting to play it again. xD I haven't played it in weeks.
Okay, can you explain to me Platinum Cards? Whenever I use one it goes away...and I can't get it back. ._.
Yeah, we have it. I live in the Northeast as well, so I'm stuck in the same boat. xD We have about 10-12 inches where I am. I'm so happy that we have a white Christmas this year.
Good idea, that usually helps.
My headache just went away. Did you take any medicine for it?
Nope.I'm still hungry.
Yeah, I know. xDDD
Nope.. And what was worse, I was stuck in a hotel because of a blizzard. D:
A major Zexion fangirl. xD I love him. <3 And he's not emo.
lol If only there was something to remind me of Zexion...