OOC: I'm back! :D
Reixa left the castle, walking down a trail outside its grounds. Seeing a large white castle in the distance, she portalled to it because she just had this gut feeling, like she as needed there. A few hundred feet away from the castle, she saw two girls there. One she had seen in her castle before. "What's going on?"
OOC: Haha! But I can't do much now until Nymph or CG post ^^;. I wont be on very long, but I will be on in a few hours for the whole night.
OOC: Haha, yep ^^ Reixa could still see herself through the mirror sitting on her bed, and the color was still golden. Blinking furiously, she stood, leaving the room. Portalling to the front room by the large doors leading outside, she barged out of them. Seeing the person she was seeking, Larpex, she started forward. But then she noticed Toxcst and Xadyn, standing in front of her. Running forward at top speed, she came to Larpex's side, giving her an extremely apologetic look. "Larpex, I know what you want to say but we have an intruder. We'll talk later, and I have something to ask you." Turning towards Larxene, she scowled. Larpex saw Reixa next to her, not sure whether to act happy of sad. "O...kay."
OOC: Gtg, but be back later ^^
OOC: Heehee, it was more like 10 hrs, actually ^^;. Sry, was gone longer than expected. I should be on pretty late tonight. We're supposed to get snow all night here! Reixa sighed as she stood, looking down as the realization hit her. She had to go back, it was her home. She couldn't just leave her friends like that. Portalling to her room, she looked around, 'feeling' like she had been gone for years. Heading towards her bookshelf, she dug up her old book of aura, opening the rough and ragged pages. The first thing she saw was a certain passage... One must no their own aura before troubling themselves with the auras of other beings. They must find peace within their own mind to concentrate to their fullest. Without this, the ability of 'sight' may become unreachable. This made Reixa think about her own aura. She hadn't looked at it since her first vision. Standing to look at her mirror, a small ache in her forehead attacked her with sharp pain, but it dispersed in seconds. Seeing her reflection, Reixa concentrated for a few minutes before seeing the many colors circling her head. There was mostly grey, of course. She was a Nobody after all, so Darkness should be ever present. There was turquoise, orange, and a small hint of red (and we all know why that is). It made her wince as the bright color flittered here and there, it brought back a lot of the memories. Sighing, Reixa continued to watch the colors, but soon closed her eyes and relaxed, dismissing them. Opening them again, she doubled back at the face she saw in the mirror. Her eyes... were different somehow. It finally dawed on her that they were... discolored. They were glowing. The bright golden color hung around her black irises like the shiny light of the moon. Backing away from the mirror, she sat on the bed in a dazed state. How could they just... change? Maybe all of the aura hadn't left her vision yet...
OOC: That's ok, I thought twice about those pics anyhow ^^ So nm
Aaron walked through the hallway towards the library. Once there, he made his way over by the fiction section, looking for a book that he hoped hadn't been previously checked out. He looked over a shelf at another student. She was completely into a book that she was reading and didn't even notice him. Smiling, he cleared his throat and looked back at the shelf. "Hey." OOC: He's talking to Angel ^^
OOC: Hey ^^ I'm baaaaack!
Hey ^^. NO SCHOOL! Yay! Ugh, and I have homework. Guess who's not doing it `till Sunday niiiiiiight... *raises hand*. Heh.
OOC: I'll be on later tonight. For those o you not in the estern timezone, I'll be online in about 7 hours from now. Seeya then :D.
Username: chula-claire Render (image Link) : http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f371/chula-claire/22265-1.jpg http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f371/chula-claire/thangwy2.png Font: idc What size (default 400x125): idk, not too big :D Backround color: red and black Text: Dont wanna reach for me do you... I mean nothing to you... Text Placement: between them Other (any place or person you want in background) : make it a little depressing with reds, blacks, greens, darker colors. I should be done with your signature latest in 24 hours
Yeah sure, that's what ou say :D
That's sweet. I'll have to get that. Thx again :D
Thank you so much. It's great! Which program did you use? I wanna learn to do them.
http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f371/chula-claire/girls73.jpg Could someone color her eyes green (in a professional way, people) for me please? Thank you ^^
OOC: Cya Captain :) *ish bored too!!* ^^ I'll be here. Wanna discuss the plan by PM Destiny?
I'm sure you'll do great arcy :D
OOC: Haha, yep ^^ Nymph should be on later, she was on earlier, and I'll be here tomorrow too :D.
Larpex smiled again, watching Larxene as she saw Toxcst out of the corner of her eye. He hadn't seen her fight before, had he? And her sadness remained, yet fighting helped her keep her mind off things. "Don't worry so much. I'll be careful."