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  1. chula-claire
    OOC: Sry, I was improvising :p
    Rei nodded. "Yeah, sure. Besides, I may end up changing anyway and wearing those shoes."
    Post by: chula-claire, Dec 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. chula-claire
    OOC: Lmao, Fire :D!
    And Toxcst, Larpex, and Reixa are elsewhere, so it's just Xadyn and Larxene at this point. Sorry CG, your backup left, heehee, I'm sure Larpex and Toxcst are preoccupied right now anyway... and you guys'll freak over mine and Twilight's little scheme *evin grin*. Oh, and I wont be on later tonight. I wanna get some sleep b/c I've got a date @ the dance tomorrow night, yay! Don't wanna be tired.

    Reixa continued walking aimlessly uphill, a strange sensation creeping through her body. She still couldn't recall when she had had this feeling last. After a while, the trees became scarce and the ground was rougher than the soft soil in the woods. The dark sky was ever visible, yet, of course, no stars were to be seen. Looking ahead, Reixa saw a long cliff-like ledge that towered above the remainder of the wood and the town in the distance. From such a high altitude, the harsh wind flew at her face.
    Post by: chula-claire, Dec 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. chula-claire
    OOC: Hiiiiiiiiiii!

    Reixa blinked, shaking her head. "We shouldn't attack... it's too risky." Suddenly, her body jerked slightly, andsh felt a bit sluggish. Almost involuntarily, she turned and spoke. "I'm gong to go back, you can stay here ifyou want." Walking backwards into a porrtal, she arrived on a steep encarpment near the lake in the woods. Holding her head in her palm, a small ache formed above her brow. Looking over her shoulder, she eventally turned around and began walking. She had a strange 'feeling', and it was familiar, so familiar...

    Larpex began to kiss Toxcst more passionately, leaning her entire body in towards his. Her hip bone was in close contact with his, and her hands migrated to the back of his head. She inhaled through her nose deeply for breath, until her lips parted slightly and the air seeped through.
    Go for it, Toxcst! :D
    Post by: chula-claire, Dec 5, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. chula-claire
    Rei turned around and simply smiled. "Don't worry about that. I can spruce up just about everything you've got here. How about... this?" Rei shuffled through the clothes, taking a few off their hangers. She held out a pair of khakis with a navy button shirt and a green undershirt. "Leave the top three unbuttoned to show the green shirt, if you like them. And... oh, I have some lightning-blue tennis Nike shoes that would look sweet with them."
    Post by: chula-claire, Dec 5, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. chula-claire
    OOC: Baaaaack :D. Yeah, Reixa and Cepxis are in a corridor of darkness listening in.

    Reixa put up her hand quickly to keep Cepxis from speaking as she heard Zexion. What we want? We want exactly what they want... isnt it obvious? Reixa smirked arrogantly. So, they still hadn't figured them out yet.
    Post by: chula-claire, Dec 4, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. chula-claire
    OOC: Last post b4 I gotta go, be back around 9-10 ish :D.

    Reixa jumped, hearing Cepxis' voice. There they were, both standing in the corridor of darkness together, and he was basically flirting with her. "Cepxis..." she started to say. But after thinking for a moment, she smiled half-heartedly. "Sure. You can hang around, just don't drag me down," she said, crossing her arms and smiling fully.
    Post by: chula-claire, Dec 4, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. chula-claire
    Rei giggled as they walked in the door. Heading straight for Angel's closet, she opened it up and began looking. "Here, let's pick something out."

    OOC: Sry, gotta go. My lil sister's band concert is tonight. Seeya!
    Post by: chula-claire, Dec 4, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. chula-claire
    "Oh, I guess you didn't know, hehe..."

    Post by: chula-claire, Dec 4, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. chula-claire
    OOC: That sounds good to me (and haha! xD ~"Get a room!" *spalsh* "nvm..."~)

    Reixa crossed her arms, finally looking over to see the destroyed tree. Shivering a little as a large gust of wind blew through her hair, she sighed. "Hey Xandlei, you can go inside the castle if you want. I'm... gonna go for a walk." She came up to him and gave him a small, gentle noogie. "Don't worry, we'll train tomorrow." Waving at him as she walked, Reixa entered the woods, and after walking for a while, she portalled away.

    Outside the lab, Reixa remained inside the corridor of darkness, listening intently for a particular voice. Maybe she'll leave the lab, and then...
    Post by: chula-claire, Dec 4, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. chula-claire
    OOC: I usually ask where stuff is and it turns out I'm holding it xDD.

    Oh, that's right, I haven't told her, duh! Rei smiled again, leaning against the wall. "You know I can use wind, right? Well, I can use aura too. I guess I've just gotten accustomed to paying attention to detail to cue myself to focus my eyesight. The auric colors can show a person's mood, so it's almost like second nature for me. Though to an outsider it can be confusing, sorry."
    Post by: chula-claire, Dec 4, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. chula-claire
    OOC: Ooooh, sounds like fun. But how do I ditch the kid? Lol :D.
    Post by: chula-claire, Dec 4, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. chula-claire
    I don't watch Naruto excessively, but I understand the stuff. It's a good show, but the whole "BELIEVE IT!" crap they just decided to add in America got really old after the fifth time he said it in the FIRST EPISODE! Lol :D.
    Post by: chula-claire, Dec 4, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  13. chula-claire
    OOC: Spam and eggs... well, w/e. BOW CHIKA WOW WOW!!!! How's that?! Hehe.
    Post by: chula-claire, Dec 4, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. chula-claire
    Rei's smile dwindled when she saw Angel's expression quickly change back and forth. Her aura seemed tense, and she was thinking quickly. "...what's the matter Angel? Did you... forget or lose something?"
    Post by: chula-claire, Dec 4, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. chula-claire
    OOC: They're on their way to Angel's room, well, more like Rei dragging Angel there xDD.

    Rei laughed again as they arrived at Angel's room. She let go of her and smiled, looking at her expectantly. "Door pleeeeease." Giggling to herself, Rei brushed her bangs out of her eyes. "Geez, I'm to hyper this morning."
    Post by: chula-claire, Dec 4, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. chula-claire
    OOC: Well, I had a reply, but I lost it. Then I wrote something like this, and my internet connection quit. Thus, as a third attempt, I am typing this for you now. *Throws computer into the wall*. So, I'm not typing it again, boohoo :D so here's what I wrote in a nutshell.
    Reixa~ Told Xandlei that it as ok and that he was still learning. Then she summoned her staff and shot dark wind at a tree to make it snap in half to show off.
    Larpex~ Closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around Toxcst's neck. In other words... bow-chika-wa-wa!!!

    Heehee, couldn't resist on that one.
    Post by: chula-claire, Dec 4, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. chula-claire
    Reixa watched him catch it and hold it in his palms. She chuckled seeing him examine it curiously. "It's called aura. You can use it too, Xandlei. I can teach you how, if you'd like me to." Reixa walked back to his side. "Aura is light energy that comes from everything. It comes from trees, buildings, stars, even people. On people, if one can see aura like me, you can tell what people are feeling or what they'll do next."

    Larpex looked into Toxcst eyes as he lifted her head. She gave him a small smile before half-lidding her eyes, leaning in further. Their faces were extremely close, and she hesitated a little as her lower lip brushed against his slightly.

    OOC: What will Toxst do?! To be continued at Captain's next visit............ lol :D
    Post by: chula-claire, Dec 2, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. chula-claire
    Rei laughed lightly, taking Angel's hand and began to run down the hallway towards Angel's room. "Then let's pick something out right-away!"
    Post by: chula-claire, Dec 2, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. chula-claire
    OOC: If Zen doesn't kill Caxen, Reixa will :p

    Walking outside while holding Zen's hand, Reixa leaned in towards him a little as they searched for Ai and Karei.
    Post by: chula-claire, Dec 2, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. chula-claire
    "Toxcst! You know it wasn't Reixa's fault!" Larpex spat, her face distorted. "She was... in a trance of some sort." Exhaling slowly, her voice returnd to its usual, mellow tone. "I think we all need a break." Reaching out and embracing their already close bodies, Larpex sighed lightly.

    Reixa smiled back at Xandlei pleasantly, taking his small hands in her own. "It's okay, I shouldn't have yelled either." Thinking for a moment, she stood and put her hand out. A large auric sphere formed and gleamed in the moonlight. "Catch!" she sad as Reixa tossed it to Xandlei. If he could use aura, he could grasp it.
    Post by: chula-claire, Dec 2, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home