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  1. chula-claire
    OOC: YAY!!! Heehee, happy Axel ^_^. Yeah, the special was on again tonight O.o but it's probably already on youtube, haha.

    "Most of the time, yeah. That part of aura, anyone can do. It just takes time, concentration, and practice. It's just more fluent and poerful for people that can use aura." Breathing out quietly, she noted the seriousness and awe in his voice, and she smiled. Opening her eyes slowly, the sunset that had seemed so close behind her closed lids was in normal vision now, and even though it was quite radiant on its own, nothing compared to what she could see. "There's this kid, a younger brother of one of our members, that can use it too. I'm not sure if he can properly see it yet, though." Looking up at this Axel for a moment, she sighed. "I guess it's no use being downcast all the time, because the worlds need sunlight to live and grow, right? You know how it even seems like a small bit of light is still hanging in the air, when the sky is all grey like that? Maybe that just means that something is after all of this, something bigger." Looking back at the sunset, her eyes drooped wearily. "Maybe there is light at the end of darkness."
    Post by: chula-claire, Dec 11, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. chula-claire
    "Heh, where to begin?" Larpex groaned, thinking back. "Well, Rei kinda disappeared after the incident, I don't think she could stand what she had done. But she came back after a while, that's when I went after her at Organization XIII's place and found Xandlei here." Larpex smiled at him again. "Hmm... oh, did I tell you about me... and Toxcst?" She nudged him gently, giggling. "Anyway, Xadyn is caught up fighting Larxene..." Larpex blinked, remembering how they had all left them. "Crap... we should go back and help. Toxcst and I will go and fight... Abexecca, do you want to help? And Xandlei, I guess I'm not one to judge your skills. Whatever you guys decide."
    Post by: chula-claire, Dec 11, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. chula-claire
    Aaron took a bite out of his hot cheeseburger, gratifying the scrumptious taste. After he had swallowed, he looked over at Angel after a quick drink. "And they say cafeteria food is gross, man, they haven't tried these." Chuckling again, he took another bite.

    Rei shrugged, thinking back to Axel's words. "It came up while we were playing video games with Angel. He just said that there was something going on in his life then, and they were a bit symbolic or something like that. Afterwards, he seemed a little glum and I didn't ask any more." She took the pillow in her arms again, buzzing her lips. "I'm thinking about asking him near the end of the day, maybe we should watch the sunset on the beach. Oh, and while eating ice cream." Rei's voice became slightly lofty in a singy-song way. Realizing this, she started laughing. "Geez, I'm a lovesick fool, what am I gonna do?"
    Post by: chula-claire, Dec 11, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. chula-claire
    OOC: I love Shrek! Have you seen the Christmas special 'Shrek the Halls'?

    Reixa heard him, closing her eyes again as well. "Try relaxing, try to slip into a day-dream type mood. And concentrate, that helps too." She squinted, concentrating on somehow transferring it to this Axel. She imagined the colors' names, their form, anything to assist. Just for this moment, maybe... she could connect with him somehow through this Axel. Maybe... he was seeing them too...

    Reixa sighed and hummed a little, trying to relax her entire body. The heat from the dream Axel helped immensely, in a soothing way. She cleared her mind of everything and only thought about the colors. The way they moved about in smoky wisps, some of the brighter hues appeared to be spiked at the edges, swaying about.

    OOC: Oh, today after watching a movie in history, my eyes were super dilated because it had been so dark, that when the lights turned on I saw a burst of color xDD. Then against the white projector screen, the guy in front of me had a super strong blue aura. So I started checking out everybody's when the teacher was droning on, and I saw a bunch of colors I hadn't seen before ^_^ It was sweet.
    Post by: chula-claire, Dec 11, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. chula-claire
    OOC: Yeah, I kinda noticed that too. You often just use "is" instead of "it's". Just some friendly criticism. :D

    Aaron heard the cashier ring up the price, and Aaron reached for his wallet, paying it in full. Taking his Mountain Dew and cheeseburger, he took Angel's order as well and offered it to her. "Your gourmet meal, miss," he joked, laughing a bit. Grabbing two straws and some napkins, they headed for the table.

    Rei pursed her lips, thinking. "I know I don't know her, it was just kinda bugging me." Finishing her bowl of pizza rolls, Rei set the bowl on the small table in front of the couch. Sitting pretzel-style, she sighed. "And thanks, Tifa," she said, smiling back pleasantly. "And I think I will talk to him about it, just to clear things up." Just then, Rei thought of the night before, and about another question that had been left open. "I have something else to ask him too..." Looking at Tifa hopefully, she raised an eyebrow. "Has he ever talked to you about his tatoos, the ones under his eyes?" She gestured with her hands by touching under her own eyes with her forefingers.

    OOC: Gotta go, be back in a couple hours ^^
    Post by: chula-claire, Dec 11, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. chula-claire
    Post by: chula-claire, Dec 11, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. chula-claire
    OOC:Shh, she's having a moment xD. Yeah, but not 'till I say it's okay. Twilight and I will be done soon :D.
    Post by: chula-claire, Dec 11, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. chula-claire
    OOC: Ooooooh, interesting, the memories are coming back, yes? Hey! While she's sane like this, have her send a message to Reixa, even subconsciously, after Reixa wakes up. Then she'll come kidnap her ^^.

    Larpex giggled as Xandlei hugged her side, and she bent down to hug him back. "It's great that you guys are here, even if it's only for a while. But I bet you're here to stay, right, Xandlei?" she said, poking his nose playfully. "Besides, your room is just the way you left it, Abexecca." Larpex smiled, looking between the two. "Why don't we go inside?" Larpex stood straight up again, stepping towards Toxcst and looping her arm through his.

    Reixa sighed, looking out at the sunset from her spot. Standing slowly, she stepped cautiously next to this dream Axel, examining the differentiating colors in the wide, open sky. Closing her eyes, she rested her head on his shoulder. She noticed a small movement he made from her doing so, and she sighed once again. "Can... we just stand like this for a while?"

    She opened her eyes again, only the dreariness made her vision fuzzy for a few minutes, auric colors swirling and mixing with the hues of the radiant sun to create a large pallet of color schemes. Reixa failed in holding in a small gasp. "Oh, I wish you could see this." Looking up at him out of the corner of her eye, she stared thoughtfully. "If this is a dream then, close your eyes. I'll show you what I see."
    Post by: chula-claire, Dec 11, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. chula-claire
    Rei was suprised to hear how long they had known each other. "Yeah, I know about how they had to hate each other, but why, after years of disdain, they would fall for each other. It's beyond me. I don't mean to sound petty or anything, by saying this, but... why would he be interested in someone he can't have?" Rei rested her elbow on the pillow, holding her cheek. "Maybe... he is attracted to me... and he's wondering this himself." Pausing again, she took another bite of a pizza roll. "What's she got that I don't?"

    "Actually, that sounds pretty good right now." Aaron smiled brightly, leading them to the appropriate line. It wasn't very long, and he took the waiting time to glance at the prices. Burgers were 500 Munny apiece, so he had plenty for the both of them and drinks. When it was finally their turn, he ordered his own and turned to Angel. "Whatever you'd like, Angel."
    Post by: chula-claire, Dec 11, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. chula-claire
    "... Really?" Larpex let go of the embrace, smiling pleasantly. "That's good to hear. Oh, and hey Xandlei," she said, patting his head.

    "A... dream?" Reixa sat there in bewilderment, the realization sinking in. So none of this had been real after all. Normally, Reixa would have become angry at him for lying to her, but this Axel had seemed truly sorry about it. Looking down at her feet, she nodded solemnly. I... understand..."
    Post by: chula-claire, Dec 10, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. chula-claire
    Aaron stood as well, and made his way to Angel's side. "Alright, it's your pick." He smiled brightly, as he held out his hand for her in a gentleman-like way.

    Rei listened to Tifa intently, absorbing the idea. "I think that's our best guess. But whatever they're doing, obviouly, they're trying to keep it secret. They acted like they hated each other at the dance, but even then I knew about them. As for Axe'ls feelings, it's hrd telling."
    Post by: chula-claire, Dec 10, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. chula-claire
    OOC: Man, making me think this late at night, sheesh xDD.

    Rei drummed her fingers onthe counter. "That's okay, I guess I've wanted to ask myself that too." Hearing the microwave beep, she retrieved the hot pizza rolls and put them in a large, green bowl. "It's like whenever he's not there, you're wondering whether he's with her or not. It makes you uneasy, you know?" Rei sat down on the again, taking a bite of a pizza roll and swallowing it. "I guess we still stand as very close friends, but I can tell he's attracted to me somehow. Like each time he stiffens, it's like he's paralyzed. I wonder if Larxene does that to him too..."
    Post by: chula-claire, Dec 10, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. chula-claire
    OOC: Yeah, I knew it was coming, but as I read it, it was like what I should write was hppening to me, nd when I finished reading I was fine. And I was wondering if the real Axel had heard any of that :D

    Reixa felt the warm touch as her body tensed. Her eyes widened as Axel kneeled before her, wiping her wet face. She nodded, taking his hands in hers on her cheeks. Rei's eyes closed for a few moments as she breathed slowly, calming down. The shaking subsided, an her eyes opened again. And yet he was still there, his green eyes staring back at hers. Rei almost smiled, but an expession between bewilderment and relief appeared vaguely on her face.

    Post by: chula-claire, Dec 10, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. chula-claire
    OOC: Haha, yup ^^

    Rei had been drinking a glass of water and choked, swallowing before laughing along with Tifa. She set the glass down before opening the freezer and nabbing a bag of pizza rolls. Rei opened it and dumped a good amount onto a plate and stuck them in the microwave.

    Leaning against the counter, Rei grinned manically. "He'll get what's coming to him one day, for sure. But now, when he tries to pull something like that again, I'll know."
    Post by: chula-claire, Dec 10, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. chula-claire
    OOC: It was like I was going to smile out of fangirlness, but I kinda chocked instead. Just kinda weird. But at that one, I cried! But it was only one tear, and then I felt normal again. Either I'm really tired (don't feel like it tho) or something. But I went and got some Lifewater (31 g sugar) and feel even more awake xDD. We'll finish this out before we go.

    Reixa gasped when Axel shook his head and released his grip on the root, tumbling to the unforgiving ground below. She watched as he grew smaller, and it took all of her willpower to not become frightened. All she 'felt' was the same grief as before, when she had watched him slip away the first time. The same helplessness, a reminder of how there was no way to help even from the beginning. Sitting up unsteadily, Reixa backed away from the edge, quite a few feet. Her once teary eyes were full again as she sat on her knees, her face in her gloves. The wet, salty water came out rapidly, soaking the material.
    Post by: chula-claire, Dec 10, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. chula-claire
    OOC: Haha! And the thing is, my mom probably fell asleep on the couch in the living room, right between my room and the kitchen xDD.

    Rei thought back to the dance, of how it had come up. "Well, we were talking about the dodgeball game, and since it I was pedicting his movements as well, he asked. Do you think he might have asked on purpose? You know, just to confirm his suspicions?" Rei sighed as her stomach rumbled. Standing, she smiled and walked into the kitchen portion ofthe room. "Hey, you hungry at all? Feel free to raid the cabinets."
    Post by: chula-claire, Dec 10, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. chula-claire
    OOC: That gave me weird chills o.O
    Heehee, 'Dr. Phil-- To The Exreme' Imagine how everyone will react when they read this tomorrow xD.

    His arms put warmth back into her body as they came around her. But the loud crack made her jump, turning her head around to see Axel as he fell. "A--Axel!" Reixa layed on her stomach, leaning over the edge as he dangled over the valley. The entire scene had reversed itself hauntingly, 'fear' creeping through Reixa as she extended her arm for him. Axel, grab on!"

    If she would have had a heart, it would have been beating a thousand times a minute. Reixa was already shaking in terror as the image of Axel falling kept replaying in her mind. He just needed to take her hand...
    Post by: chula-claire, Dec 10, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. chula-claire
    OOC: xD Okie doke, then. I'm hungry... haha. Oh, for some reason, I just remembered one time when I was home alone, the power stared going out and then back EVERY HOUR on the dot. It was super creepy.

    Rei rubbed her head, smiling sheepishly. "Well, I guess I became too caught up in he past day I've forgotten about everything else." Chuckling, she sighed and clicked her tongue. "I wonder if he figured it out himself. I could tell he was thinking something over."
    Post by: chula-claire, Dec 10, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. chula-claire
    OOC: Thanks :D But look here, by following his 'feelings', Axel ended up dead xDD. Heehee...

    Larpex looked over Toxcst's shoulder to see Xandlei and... and..."Abexecca?!" She smiled at Toxcst before moving around him and hugging Abexecca. "Oh, we all missed you so much! We''ll have to tell Xadyn, Xin, Max, Cepxis, and Re--" Larpex bit her lip, pulling away slowly. "Sorry..."

    Reixa's eyes became teary as Axel put her own scheme out in the open. She guessed that's how she was, too afraid to say what she was supposed to. But what he said next made her 'feel' better. "Thanks..." The flick to the forehead woke her up, making her smile through the pain.

    She thought hard about his questions, searching for their true answers. "I-- love you... Axel, and I've always wanted you to love me. And... I like you for your smoothness. You always know what to say to give me chills. And you humor, you've made me laugh when I didn't feel like laughing. Your wit, your looks, your assertiveness, your intuition... I like everything about you. As for what I'm hiding..." Reixa took in a shaky breath, still completely oblivious to the fact that the rock was slowly crumbling beneath them. "The moment you were gone, it tore me apart. I feel like I've been slowly shutting down, like I don't even know myself anymore. My insanity found it's peak... there have been dreams, and even times when I have no control whatsoever over my actions. I've even killed someone... a friend..." Sitting down all the way, Reixa curled up an rested her chin on her knees.

    "Larxene and I fought over you once," Rei said, forcing a small laugh. "I left her there with half of her body paralyzed andher chi disabled." For the first time since she spoke, Reixa looked up at Axel.
    Post by: chula-claire, Dec 10, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. chula-claire
    OOC: Don't be mad Tifa, it's not Rei's fault xDDD. But I don't think so... I thought Axel just put it together himself. We could search for it ^^
    Post by: chula-claire, Dec 9, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home