Today is Sunday. He's banned until Wednesday.
Please stop necro bumping. HS2 has already come out, unfortunately.
I've seen this somewhere on /b/ before. Still, I lol'd.
Yeah, this thread is old. Well...actually, I think they recently ended whatever was going on.
You would know ;o
Yeah, I didn't realize it was either until Hissora mentioned it in her other thread.
Pity he left. <:3
*cough*above posts*cough*cough* lol, And we were just having this conversation in another thread.
Several people on here visit 4chan. And it was total giveaway when you started imitating a gaiafag anyway. :3
Are you acquainted with 4chan? Because that Ed macro in your sig is totally from /a/...
First of all, just because someone attempts such doesn't make it a pwn. In fact, that pretty much lacked all logic because we aren't saying we're insulting you out of boredom, but rather that we're continuing to stay in this thread because of it. Initially, we insulted you because we had obvious reason to. So I'm going to go ahead and say that I really could care less that I angered her, since it's really naive of her to get made over something as inane as this anyway. Moreover, it's over the internet. We're not even speaking in person. That's not even sarcasm. It's just really stupid exaggeration. I never interpreted it as one. And we've been cruel? Yeah, okay. You seriously need to get a new view on the appliance of terminology.
I'm not allowed out of the house until Wednesday. Wow, that failed so hard I can't even describe. And yeah, because being an idiotic fangirl is a religion. :\
What a Photobitch image. :D
Yeah, so did I. Oh god, I lol'd. XD
*rustles fire with stick* Oh my god. :\ Um, FUCKWIN...?
The cheese: Yep. I assume it was intended in one of those 'point out the irony' senses.
Yeah, the ignorant sarcasm isn't putting your point on any pedestal... lol, I feel like such a hypocrite since I totally just did a Yoko drawing in /i/ a few hours ago. XD Anyway, I'm not going to feed this fire any longer~
I remember I use to be one of those weeaboo fangirls who made inane squee posts and other roleplay **** of the like. Soon enough you guys will realize how incredibly ******ed this is, if not pitiful. Quoted for truth and win.
Puuuuuuuun~ XD
I'm not sure if you should be one of the people rejoicing.