XDDDD Gonna need some ointment for those burns ;o~
Evidentially it was DS's at one point too. I started feeling unoriginal after I discovered this.
It's only logic. That or you have some serious skanks in your midst.
You be stealin' mah phrase. :3
3: Ten characters~
hmm, pretty furry D:
I don't know, our only assigned book was in September. It was ____'s Song.
Dude, my last required book for a book report was so inappropriate for school. X3 Either my teacher is a kinky beast, or she didn't read the book.
I dunno, stuffing is worse. XD
At a certain point, it just gets grotesque.
No lie. Any girl with honesty and at least an American A cup will tell you she's groped herself from time to time.
You likely wouldn't expect us to fondle them either.
I think it sounded like an eight year old threw that post together ....
That sounded dirty.
I hope you didn't interpret that as a positive statement. D:
OP's text color burns my eyes. ;_;
I am satisfied. For a second I was debating if it was an unheard word...then I remembered that the 'v' and 'b' on the keyboard are right next to each other. >.>;;;
...Wait, what? Mostly everyone on here is 12 and up, right? Note that I say 'mostly'. I suppose I'm not one to talk considering that hammer war earlier. XD Tasty cereal?
Spelling noob with fail ass 1337 is for noobs. >:3 By looking at your typing, you. :\