"I can try, I will never give in. What do you think you can do with these sins?" i asked breaking the collision and swung again. " What is that incisive racket?" I asked.
groose janime ate cagotha. 10
nutso 7
"You'll never harvest if I can help it." I said pushing hard to break the collision.
weirdo 3
Dance Dance! 1 Go darnit
*-* 10
"Bring it!" I said colliding blades with his blade. "You won't win as long as I'm around."
theres no reason to be afraid 8
"I'll Show you harvest," I said. I moved to the right and swung at him. "You talk crap, but can you walk it?"
"You, what do you mean sins? Who sent you?" I asked.
"Who the hell lives here?" I asked.
"Sins What sins have we commited?" I asked calmly. I turned around and swung at a shadow., then got into postition to block any attack at him.
"Stop talking in riddles! Awnser my question." I said getting ready to block an attack from Avian.
I dodged and pleaded, "You want to start something Avian!" "You awnser my question!" I said as I swung my blade at Avian.
"Whats the Harvester!" I yelled.
"What the hell are you doing!" I said, as I took a slash at Avian. "We dont even know who he really is!"
get over it! 6
I hate orange XD 4
I maneuvered left and swung my blade at the shadow,darkness just faded.