*beats you with a -----*
*Beats you withcount to 1,000,000,000 topic* NOW OPEN!
*beats you with a ----*
*beat you with cats claws*
iM IMORTAL ANYWAY! 999,999,978
satistics lie we will reach as far as we can and even if it takes our lives. 999,999,980
*Beats you with turds.*
dude you do realize that I live longer than a billlon seconds dude.
not a repost this is count to 1,000,000,000 not count to 1,000,000! 999,999,993
Yes 999,999,996
To set a new world record! 3
Lets All count to 1,000,000,000!
OOC: I know this is your first RP, but how do you run to Destiny Island? Infact thats actually impossible. BIC: I see in the distance a new building being built.
4 Mother ****er Orange
I arrived on Destiny Islands, "I love this island, I only wish Sora the key bearer never lived here." I slowly walked to the dock of the small island. I stared at the town on the other island, wodering what it would of been like if Sora didn't defeat his freind his only freind. "Sora I sware it on your grave that I will kill you." I screamed.
"Damn! How on earth did he do that?" I wondered. I opened a portal and walked through.
16 Right
I jumped breaking the fight up and went down the stairs to seewhat was happening, as I slashed through another shadow.
14 bastirdo