Explain to me this, why is there people that have died and came back? Why do people get large amounts of money, luck, I think not. If god doesn't exist what made us a some big bang theory? and why would it only chose earth to have life? by the way go see the real one, its over there in jaruselum go see it.
"Where on earth did he take that girl, why did he ever care for her, why should I care! I just don't know anymore, Darkness was part of me I was part of darkness, now I feel light. It seems to sprout within me, it seems to grow." I said out loud.
999,987 not what you got guys
All animals have feelings all, all fish every living thing that surronds us has feelings. In my opinion anyway
cant you guys read? 999,994
If you ask me, your just a bunch of spam in a can. where do you come up with this stuff. look at it this way, your in a plan its headed toward eath at 885 miles per hour, what do you do. A. Yell GOD HELP ME B. Yell JESUS C. Say im gonna be a tree when i die D. God doesnt exist im just gonna die. Well resarch does show it between the top two not the bottom two, so think. If god doesnt exit why is it that is it that there is proff Jesus existed. Vist the Tower of Hands in Texas and you see a reprica of the sheet found, that contains Jesus face.
Yes, it should be legalized, so many people are sent to jail each year, for what? Smoking a simple marijuana cigarette or cigar. It fills our jails therefor it makes it hard for the real crimes to be punished, like murder or any other extreme crime.
maybe, that could be true, where was that again? refering to DBM
Well I think it means a new birth happens while you sleep, but im probaby gonna get critizized for saying that.
WTF now theres gonna singing and dancing in Death note!!!
dude you way off 999,997
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999,999 lol
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A Canned meat! 999,999,973 Close Topic or delete wich ever it is kind of impossible to count to. lol
----S baby