me tooo 14
sorrry 12
Tell Me about it.
Good to see you too.
Clould Strife! 12
I swam as much as I could. Finaly I was on the shores of the other island. I laid there unable to move. "Im so tired, I dont think I can ---" I said as I passed out.
What ever happened to Axel Or Roxas?
Buster Sword BABY!
Im glade were all freinds, Im sorry if I ever got mad, or if I ever treated how you post bad. Im sorry if I did, I know it wasnt you who gave me those bad reps. 3
Im sorry for posting it here, but you dont have to give bad reps for that... Im not no rookie Ive been here longer than you.
Anyone want to challenge me on Diamond and Pearl?
zzzzzzzz... 4
Well I see this topic is taking off. Current Standings 1. Zack 2. Cloud And Genesis 3. Sephiroth
Keep going! 102
Please Lets review, which would you say is the best character.
"Damn no not this, I don't need this, no no no!" I screamed. "I cant die now!" I attempted another jump and realized I was swimming.
Common lets get 400 72
best form Ive seen yet!