lol thts bad ^^"
lol well its shisha :P
lmao i can tell tht special mod dude ;p
yup and i think i knw y it crashed :P
well chattin wth coders on MSN :P
lol kk ill be waitin ^^ and thanks :D
well its totally up to u ^^ i wont mind wht u do with it ^^ and well u cn use my current pic :)
11CE0B68 00000058 --------> UCM 21c95678 4631484b --------> Final Model Mod 21c956bc 00020000 --------> Final sub status mod 21caeed0 58455f50 --------> Chicken Little Model Mod 21caeed4 5F303031 --------> Chicken Little Model Mod 21caeed8 XXXXXXXX --------> Summon Model Mod 21caeef0 58455f50 --------> Chicken Little Mset Mod 21caeef4 5F303031 --------> Chicken Little Mset Mod 21caeef8 XXXXXXXX --------> Summon Mset Mod 21caeefC 65736D2E --------> Chicken Little Mset Mod 21caef00 00000074 --------> Chicken Little Mset Mod 21caeecc 01000013 --------> Summon Role Mod 21caef14 00050006 --------> Summon Status and Moveset Mod 21c6c93c 05050000 --------> Special Ability Mod 21c6c940 00000000 --------> Special Ability Mod 1032e084 00000052 --------> High Jump Mod 201A1A08 00000000 --------> Dont Remember 201A1D78 10000006 --------> Dont Remember 0032E02F 00000063 --------> Soras Stats Mod 2032E028 FFFFFFFF --------> Soras Stats Mod 21C6C900 0A090964 --------> Infinte Drive 20370bac 3E000000 --------> Effects Size Mod 11CD4390 0000077A --------> Keyblade Mod 11CD4394 0000077B --------> Keyblade Mod
oh thts cool ^^ well jus wokeup :P
hmm both codes should be possible but since i dont knw hot to hack FFX so i cnt help im sry
yo Rami sup ^^
umm by tht u mean label each line?? ^^"
lol still cheater u stole my ideas :P also thanks to me u figured out how to make allies DW :P
nah cheater XD
lol kk sure i dont mind ^^ and yup your pic is good ^^
yup they are bt they share the same data and models so the same technique should work on both of them
hmm NTSC seems to work completely different then FM........
hmm strange since it works perfectly on Emu..........
lol :P so whts new??