Well I'm in a dress.. Nothing fancy though. So, let's get this show on the road, shall we?
I think she went to ichristian's wedding.
Viewing the Organization Misfits
Ja ne~, eastercat!!! *waves*
Okay, recap time!! Hi ^^ ^^^^That's Demyx Welcome back. ^^^^That's the vampire, Vinniecent-dearest. . . . ^^^^And that's.. Well, he's not important ^^ *glares* Okay fine, that's Tezuka-Buchou. I'm sure you'll do great! ^^
Welcome back, Ichigo!! -khchick- Hehe, you luff us ^^
*waves* Ja ne, khchick!!
Oh, right, right. Gomen gomen gomen!! *bows*
Well, congratulations to you both either way ^^
I thought no more wedding threads? -eastercat- I agree. I agree T.T
I see ichristian down there too *pokes*
Yeah, I've seen you around too, if I haven't talked to you. But one of my friends' names is Faith ^^
I was born in Columbus.
^^ Is it bad if I say I would have taken that smoothie? I jokes, I jokes!!!
-khchick- Good idea. The racket always breaks on their hard heads -_-; -DP- I was wondering that same thing.
...Can I hit with a racket? That's my only weapon besides a baseball bat.
Yes, welcome, welcome! Everyone here is pretty cool, so just have fun ^.~ Hope to see you around!! -LAH-
Uhm... Amen? or... Well-said? Anyway, good point, DP *nod nod*
You have my attention, DP-san *nod*
CONGRATS TO THE NEWLYWEDS!!! *throws confetti* Oh, hi guys ^^