-khchick- Oh, right! *smacks forehead* Awez, sayonara, HisNobody-chan!!
Do I know?
*le gaspehz* I almost forgot to bother meh Shoe Buddy today!! *o*
YAY INSANITY~!!! -Aerith- That's so sugoi~! (Sorry if this post shows up twice >.>)
Bah, yeah. When I was little, I used to be deathly afraid of Michael Myers from Halloween (My dad's fault again -_-). My mom just recently told me we share the same birthday. I think if she had told me that then, I would have been scarred for life. @.@
That's why people own baseball bats. To smack bishes like them upside the head :D
-khchick- YAY!! -HisNobody- I wouldn't destroy it yet... That's where I have to live in the next 5 years xD -Ichigo- Same!!
I HATE clowns. My dad made me watch 'It' when I was 3, and I can never shake the feeling. It's embarrassing, really.
We should *nod nod* =3 I act Japanese ^^ and insane, but we're not gonna talk about that x] -Aerith- I know! This guy in my Pre-Algebra said it was a kids' show. I was like, "WTF?!"
-khchick- Sorry, I haven't =[ -Ichigo- Agh, same here -_- Wouldn't it be great if once we were all older, we all met up in some place?
It's okay, HisNobody! *hugs* I'm moving to an archipelago when I get older ^^
Hm... I'll figure something out...
?? How about I shout "PONCHO~!" in the middle of the city?
I dun like it here so much. It's booooring >.> That's why I'm moving to Japan when I graduate and everything. Even though Destinee won't let me, but whatever x]
^^; Sorry. Tenimyu was distracting me. OMG If you people come to Indiana tell meeee~
Would you mind making this one for me, eastercat-chan? Scene: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3RQcVilKqdo 05:48 - 06:04 Size: Medium Text: No thanks ^^ Thank you so much *bows*
*claps like the maniac she is* I'm so glad for you guys!!
*stands and throws hand up* YAY!!!
=D *watches and waits to do something*
*stops the music* O.o Wait until the party!!