Yup yup *nod nod* /fillerfillerbeatingupBuchoufillerfiller/
Pretty much. You get used to my insanity =] *points to sig* So what shall I call you, new friend? ^^ -Poncho- That's good. I'm doing pretty okay as well, thankee Awez, bye bye to HisNobody =[
Nuuu! Not Supahman!! He is my Kryptonite!!! X.x What the-? Ask, and face Buchou's "borrowed" racket, Demyx. It's better than a baseball bat ^o^ You get used to her after a while. *from distance* I'm replacing you with Shirota!! Thank you... Ignore these people for now -_-
*pokeh attacks Moodkip* Poncho~!!! How ish joo doing?
Haha, sure ^^; Oh, yes! I introduced myself on her first thread, though she might not remember me ^^; But if you don't, I'm LAH =] Niiiiice to meet joo. I also promise not to beat you with a racket =D Say it, say it!! Right, right. *ahem* "Welcome to our happy flock." ^o^
Darn *snaps fingers* I'ma hafta go Invisibility again. Not much, just got done watching a movie in Japanese ^^ *beats random person over the head with racket* Sorry, guy. *looks at racket* WTF? Why'd you break my racket?! JERK!! *beats again* Hi there!! ^^ How are we doing? We over here ish doing fine, thankee ^^
NO YOU DON'T!!! *ninja rams into the door* Ow... *dusts self off* What's up?
Sounds like a good idea... I reccomend before December 2012. That's when the Mayans say the world will end. Then scientists said 2035... *ish confused*
When we get older, let's meet in the center of the world. *borededom*
Yeah, me too...
*watches iP* Are you okay? Ya hear that? TWO!! Okay.. Thanks! ^^ Haha, there's Poncho. How are you?
*takes hand* Haha, thanks ^^; Can I have the cookies? *smacks back of head* That's rude.
Yes... No... Maybe? *falls over again* Nope. Definitely not okay. Oh, no thank you! ^^
*peeks from behind Vincent* NO!! Must..resist... *falls over*
*hides behind Vinniecent* No you don't!!
All right, ya got me! x]
Perhaps... >.> <.<
I knew it was Maltese! I just didn't know what you were saying >.>
Yup, that's it! Hope you have a sugoi time here ^^ Hope to see you around sometime -LAH-
-khchick- Hehe, okayz ^^ So.. Bored.. Must.. Stop watching.. Tenimyu..