-khchick- If I say yes, I won't get shot, right? -Val- XDDD
O.O I'm frightened. Yup yup ^^ Bye bye, Shoe Buddy!!
I'm boreded. *rams into a wall* That felt good.
*falls out of chair* Oh, my...
*posteh posteh posteh* Yay, Piano!! =D See you later, DP!!
Ja Ne, HisNobody~!!
Oh, sorry! 365 MORE BLOCKS TO GO~!!! One for each day of the year ^^
366 More Blocks To Go~! It won't work for me either T.T
-DP- That's awesome XD That guy at the end, though, he's hilarious. He has his coat zipped up all the way like that, and for a while he just stares at this other guy. Then he starts jumping up and down. But that's just me, you know ^^;
XDD Sorry, DP It scared the crap out of my friend. I e-mailed it to her, and she called me, screaming ^^
*beats the french fries with a baseball bat* Yay! They didn't break the racket ^^ Shame shame, Shoe Buddy xD
Jeez, Shoe Buddy! I told you! Say it with me, "P.I.M.P.!" ^^
That's good ^^ XDD Don't worry, we missed you too x]
-DP- Yeah. I'll figure something out >.< But no wai? Me too ^^
-Aerith- Oooh, interesting. I'll read it ^^ -DP- It's one eastercat made for me. The site says it's too big, though T.T
There's my Shoe Buddy!! =D I'm okay, thankee ^^ How are joo? That's good to hear!! Ooh, fanfic, what?! Go for it!! I'm excited =DD But I still have to get the thing in meh sig T.T
*hugs* Hi ^^ I'm okay, thanks. How are you all?
Bah, you got me >.> I'm trying to get my GIF in meh sig >.<
Haha ^^; You know I'm a girl, yes...? But thankee ^^ Have you ever heard of Tenimyu? I like your siggynature =] Oh, okay then! Siren it is :) EDIT: I gotsa get off of here. So I will see you all when I see you!! *huggles all and waves* Sleep well!! *ninja poofs*