The monkey stole mine T.T No, my mommy wanted on here.
..Did I miss much...?
In the bookstores here, the have action figures of Kairi, Goofy, and Jack >.> And no one ish on MSN T^T
I.. am going to steal your room, DP >.> Lovely piccyature, BTW ^^
I'm gonna use honorifics for no reason ^^ -No-No-chan- xD Keel that beach!! -Siren-chan- Ooh, I see... *ponders*
SIREN-CHAN!! Konnichi wa ^^ O genki desu ka? I hate being on stage...
ZOMG It's khchick! She ish prettay ^,^
Agreed ^^ Oh em Gee, my parents have been gone for 2 hours now. They went to Wal-Mart. 5 MINUTES AWAY!!! @.@ *goes to look at piccyature*
lol Yeah, 'cause who needs toasters or microwaves these days? We should all just develop Pyrokenesis(sp?) See you in a few, No-No!
Well ya gotta do something.
I'm not supposed to touch anything that has fire anymore >.> I did NOT try to eat the fire <.<
Awe, it's okay!! *huggles* I burnt soup if it makes you feel better =]
What's wrong? (Holycrikey,meharm!)
Haha, you never know with me ^^; Meh too >.<
Yeah. That way, when you guys need something, I'll be like, "Ooh! This one is going to (Enter Name Here)!" And then I throw it in a box and ship it to the completely wrong place =/
Ja Ne, Ichigo! I agree. I still hate Borders for the day, though :/ I'll love it tomorrow ^^ We have a Waldenbooks in our mall. I'm gonna work at one of those places. I need books >.>
Haha, thanks ^^ I like being a rock, people trip over me and fall =D Oh my, I KNOW!! They don't have any of the PoT ones I need!! But we ish getting a B&N soon. They're building it =] [/Excitement] My brain ran away *sniffle*
Rurouni Kenshin? Speaking of which, I got me some books today =DD
It's the backstage scenes for the Prince of Tennis musicals (Tenimyu). They entertain me even though some of the time I have no idea what they're saying @.@
-khchick- Hehe, okay ^^ Thankee =] I think my favorite video right now is probably... This one: Especially 1:45-2:10 XD