I'm pretty sure Axel and Kadaj are taken.. But I think Loz and Yazoo are open ^^ But yeah, they can be from anything, too, if ya want.
-Siren- I guess you can choose one, and we'll let you know ^^ But like Poncho(Moodkip) said, they have a colored text for them =]
That's awesome!! -Siren- Well, more or so ^^;
Scotsman, you say? Me too! ^^ -Siren- Zexy with a bald head.. xD
Well, I'm lookaheartless, The Insane Child. I go by either LAH or Macie, pick whichever. I've got three partners, but who cares about them, really? Luckily for you, I'm not as insane as I was last night when Siren joined ^^ And, now it's time for my job. *ahem* "Welcome to our happy flock." ^^ Bye byez, khchick!! *waves* Sleep well!
Hiiii, Kip and eastercat!! =D ^^ T'is okay, Zexy. I like being dramatic every now and then =] "Every now and then"? Don't push it, Shirota -_-
*laughs at Zexion* ^^ *beats him with racket* T^T Why did you break my racket? *cries in emu corner* *laughs at Macie* *beats Demyx with racket* ^^
Oh, well, I might be able to hit Zexion... *thinks* ... Okay ^^ -Poncho- That was so important!!
And I get to hit a random person, right? I'm not gonna hit you!!
*shows baseball bat and tennis racket* Now, tell me, which would you like me to hit you with? =]
OH, NOEZ!! NOT THE LEXICON!!! *dies in pure horror* xD
*o* *puts hands on mouth* NU~!!
-Siren- Hehe, me? I just want it =D -Poncho- That's fine with me, I dunno about you guys.
Bye byez! *waves* Sleepy good! Hi, Poncho ^^ Good decision
We had a debate over this at school. Ninjas >.>
-Siren- Ohhh. That's sugoi!! Welcome back!! ^^
I don't think anyone knows for sure. All they know is that he's in his teens. "Kadajurians"? That's cool!
Half-Birthday Parties for those whose've passed?
*sees birthday* I'ma throw joo a party!! I'll throw you all a party on your birthdays ^^
Mine = http://www.myspace.com/total_anime_freak