-khchick- Haha, I'm too predictable, ne? -Sephy- I'LL NEVER TELL!! I'll be back in a few (again).
Yaaa! Vampire Ninja Pirate. That's me!!
Yeah! Ninja Pirate =3
I have an eyepatch =D
-HisNobody- Oh, okay! ^^
*sigh* Did I miss too much?
-HisNobody- Good, thanks! Okay, I gotta go eat some children! I'll be back~!!
*falls out of chair* How are you doing, HisNobody?
*sees HisNobody down there*
-Zexion- I can't anywayz. Siren stole it last night and traded it to Axel, remember? *likes Linkin Park*
Angels - Within Temptation
*gets beat with the Grammar Plaque* Yay! *beats self with Grammar Bat* *pats Zexion* I'm sorry.
*beats Zexion with the grammar bat* PH34R 1T!!!!
Muahahaha! IT WORKS!!
-khchick- Hehe ^^; -DP- Oh, yeah, I know it >.<
Ooh, Piano~!! I luff my piano, Maria. She's cool ^^ I'll beat you all with the grammar bat if I have to >.> -Alex- ^^ NUUU~!!! X,x I'll do it! Go for it, Shirota! Or I can have Zukii scare him...
That's good to hear ^^ I'm doing pretty well, thank you =] I was wondering where DP went, too...
Hi Alex ^^ How are you? Oh em Gee, if the world is a pizza, no one will ever go hungry again!!!
-Aerith- X]]] -DP- Ohhh, right, right ^^'' Yeah..
xD Let Zack do it, I wanna see what happens!