*sigh* Notice how it's kinda all the younger ones, too? Except ichristian
So did Valerie leave too? They're all talking about us -_-
Hiiiii DP-saaaaan ^^ How are you?
-eastercat- Ohhh, I see *nod nod* -khchick- Meh too >.> PONCHO~!!! *pokehs attacks*
-eastercat- I like burritos myself xDD -khchick- Yeahhhhh~!
The Tacos are attacking again?! DX Hi eastercat!!! *le gaspehz* You did?!! T'is okay ^^
Run, Yuffie! Run, run away~!!
Sorry, my computer was being stupid -_- I think Ian's in London. That's what he told me... I miss everyone ='[
Nuuu, dun die~!!! DX Gah, I'm so confused!! And I have no idea.
You're welcome ^.~ Okay~ I guess I don't disagree.
In Alex's, I mean. The 'a' and 'e' were together ^^ *raises hand* I don't agree with Poncho.
YAY!!!! =D I saw speshul letters
khchick ish my bestest friend EVAH!!!
Hey hey *hugs back* I'm okay, thanks. How are you? HI!! *hugs* -Poncho- Oh, the HUMANITY!!!
FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!! No, let's not. *smacks Demyx*
Dear Jamie...Sincerely Me - Hellogoodbye
(OOG: I'm gonna join, if you don't mind) False! I'm a boy
Asterisk, maybe? In The End - Linkin Park
You Got Game - Kimeru
^^; Thought I'd also be one to welcome you here =] Just do basically everything he said, and you'll be just fine! See you around~! -LAH-