A druggie of love.......not fooling anyone.......crap.
bread is for weenie men.
I know I know. I like them as much as the next Hannibal Lector....but we have to contro.....*munch* Shi.....instant karma sucks.
Or moldy bread stick kids over and open fire.
Or don't eat moldy bread with kids.
Cause it would be....just?
No....I have monkey hair legs.......and I cry uncontrolable when I hear loud music....and I mean like a baby.
Well as I dime and run the wind will feel great on my exposed legs
Cause I want to walk into a fast food resturant with the no shirt no shoes service sign and see I can still get a meal without any pants.
If I make you laugh to I have to put my pants on?
Nothing much, doing a little this a little that. Running every morning.
Hello Doom, been awhile.
Cool hope to see you then. Hope your internet connetion is fixed by then.
I'll make one in the free battle mode. Server:LOctopus Name:ZeroKiryu
Well I'm pretty much good after noon, so add me to your friends list in your PSN so I know when you are online.
Yeah, cause I think once you have hit the 20 hour mark you are no longer a Rookie so you can't play on the beginner servers. What time will you be on, we can just make a game match for ourselves.
Vamp huh...I don't think I can play on that server...
Alright easy enough to remember, I'll add you tomorrow. What server do you usually play on?
Well next time you log on from your PS3 be sure to write it down. But what is you MGO name I can add you that way for now.
The PSN stand for PlayStation Network. You should have one cause you can play online. If you give me you PSN I can add you as a friend and your MGO of course.