A lot of transfomrers flying around.
I was pretty sure they were on wednesdays....but eh...I did even log on today. Busy watching E3
Probably maintence.
I haven't made a game in a while. I'll make one tomorrow at noon, and again after five.
Yep, born and raised.
You should probably put my PSN in your ps3 so when i log on you'll know.
How is it going everyone?
Who is Merr that meat guy from the grocery store.
Stealthy really stealthy
But the most delicious.
Cause Larry make a mean German chocolate cake?
Okay I'm bring in the bob.
But I'm part Irish....we loves our potatoes.
But I don't want to shoot my eye out.
But I cant..... *cuts* Well that was easier than I thought
Sorry but James Woods has a very specific style....... cramped.
We like to call that in the underworld...... a bear hug.
Shouldnt' this be in the KH section. But my least favorite world is altantica.
Of me getting arrested out of love....I don't think that will go over so well....but what is the worst that can happen. Police burtality.
Out of love, that is totally f-ing awsome. Well I have a homework project this weekend.