When you live forever......what do you live for?
And then this was my respones.~
^ I was responding to this question.~ I want a shirt like that now, xD.
HAHAAHHA, you new one is tooooo adorable xD.
My response was to Fates question.
That it would be, funny thing is that quote pretty much sums me up in one sentence.
I think it would be fun....but unfortunately no one is an offical instructor at the moment.
If you spend a certain amount of time in a training room and get reconized be a instrutor you can teach people how to play MGO.
What's up Fate?~
Eh, the expansion is okay. When I'm really not in the mood to actually go into a game I just mess around with Johnny for a long time in the training room. Hopefully I'll become an instructor soon........I hope xD.
Sup burn.~
The guy in you avatar looks familiar?~
Like the sig.
A couple of people here, nice.
I just did I'm going to go. The game will be on soon.
Okay, you can add me then. Mines is Kira19. I'll go make a game in about 10 mins.
Do you know your PSN name? I can add you as a friend there as well.
L.Octopus. Character name ZeroKiryu I'll set one up in 15 mins or so.
Yeah, I set one up this morning but I decided to take a nap. So it didn't last long, trying to rest up before midnight.
Yo, I not going to be on long. Probably going to set a game in a minute...or when ever I finally get off the computer.