When I heard the last rule the regret part. Something about that made me laugh almost like regret was a switch you can turn on and off.
Patience and dedication. A seat over in the winners table, well I'm flattered my work is being appreciated by the masses.
Dare you ask what????
Not just a pedo-bear but the best in the world. It takes a lot of effort....but I love what I do.
Seriously when I heard that I almost want to laugh till I dropped. Oh, that is Hyde.
Seems to be a lot of pervertness going around.........and I want to join SOOOOO badly.
The first rule... We must be powerful, beautiful, and live without regret.
Yeah, it is a beauty. OMG guess what I did......I read a book.......I know I'm sooo out of character......
A restored 67' shelby GT 500 mustang. With a dark grey body with two black strips running down the middle.
I only want one vintage thing in the world.
I do what I can for my friends. I've read Dark Deamly Dexter about 14 times. I own both the seasons on DVD and I can wait till sep 28 for the third season.
This old coffee maker from 1972?????
Dexter Morgan is my hero......to my other self at least.
I'm the king of bad jokes.
Some might say time is madness itself. Man why am I talking kinda deep.....soooo out of character for me xD
bruderschaft - forever
Thanks burn and Kikame for that xD. But yeah, too much pain to take....even in a 100 lives. Doing pretty good, fine found the time to log on xD
Blackest Eyes-Porcupine Tree
Really you missed me? Kinda of like the exact opposite of "time heals all wounds".
I know me posting xD. I agree with you response to your post.....and yes I think the price might be too much for anyone.