I'm going to go to bed now.....I know.....out of character for me. I'll be on tomorrow. See you then?
*Yawn* So tired that I am....yes.
Yeah, the fight with Rido Kuran and Zero with Yuki is going to be interesting. I wish I was on a sugar high. I could use the extra boost right now.
But totally awsome as to the result of the NEW Kiryu. I'm doing pretty good on this night of other nights, and you?
Yeah, my brother Ichiru takes on Godzilla...that was until I "ate" him into me. Now his power is apart of me. OH, hey Kikame. Good to see you again.
I wouldn't know, I usually don't make a habbit of attacking overgrown lizards in my free time. I leave that to my older brother.
Hey girls name....don't give me that look I got a lot on my mind Sandy. Oh and look I'm back!
I'm like the ghost of christmas past. I'm going to go get some shut eye now. I'll be on tomorrow.
The name is Mick. St John.
If I had a stalker I would feel kinda flattered in a weird way...probably not a healthy thing to admit.
You know where I work???
Random is the glue that holds people in a never ending game of life.
No, the second clue I gave should have excluded many places. If you think about there are only 13 places I can be.
Nope, but right coast.
Talk about excessive >.>
I live on planet eath. The first clue.
No it has just begun...now to find me.
I've been called worse.
Maybe Winnipeg lives in her???? I dream big.
Why are we guessing.......were Kika lives? "I admitted to her I was stalking her, and she smiled back."