People can't live with them...can't kill them...(legally of course)
I can say that for most everything I do.......people....arghhhh.
Eh, half the time it is putting face on, but school is a real drag.
How has your day been? Mulitasking can be a real byotch!~
Hello burn.
Fun is a relative term that defines a certain moment. I intend to enjoy it much longer than need be..........or something......:p
Thats the surprise....the uncertain.
I have...."other" ways of the destruction of mankind.
I'm just doing my part in the destruction of the human system.
Well, I'm off till tomorrow. See you guys then!~
That would make a "sane" person all tiggly inside. Lucky for me I'm enjoying my insanity.
I know, I do what I love. And what I love isn't too nice.
Sounds like you guys are going to have fun.
What are you guys doing?
Yeah, I'm feeling sinister my friend Lestat.
Oh, Louis always WHINNING. Are we done with this, I have had to listen for this for centuries!
I didn't say it hurt her, I'm just saying she was probably put off that Vamp gave her a direct order that she had to follow or else.
That or the fact she had to pull a knife out of one of her tentecles.
Lol, oh wasn't that cause she couldn't kill the rebel soilder.
Before or after her "confirntaion" with Vamp?