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  1. naminestwinsister
    has anybody heard of the tails doll the biggest mistake of sega curse of the game sonic R anybody have any good links please tell me its really quite cool i've already tried searching
    Thread by: naminestwinsister, Oct 27, 2007, 6 replies, in forum: Gaming
  2. naminestwinsister
    who else would it be?anyway do you want him to be a human with no memories or the alien?
    Post by: naminestwinsister, Oct 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. naminestwinsister
    xemnas appeared in front of larxene "hello you look like you've seen a ghost"xemnas said

    "but you should be xehanort for a week"larxene said

    "correction xehanort is seperated for a week but anyway this for you and hrystale to enjoy but as i say i only need one of your hearts and i hoose yours for ruining my experiment on your parents but its your heart i'm gonna take hopefully everybody elses i'm gonna break"xemnas said

    "you monster you cant rhyme to make a threat and it wont matter they will fight to get my heart back and if they cant they will avenge me you cant win"larene said

    "well said but its not going to save you cme now larxene"xemnas said
    Post by: naminestwinsister, Oct 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. naminestwinsister
    "well at least i know your ok but just in case take this whenever you need to talk say my name into this mirror and my face will appear i can do the same so use it if you need me"larxene said and portalled back to the secret place and sat on a rock "wow i never want life to change as long as i have a heart i will try to keep things exciting around here"she said "even if it means summoning a million nobodies it will be fun"
    Post by: naminestwinsister, Oct 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. naminestwinsister
    larxene fell head first in the secret place "why did it have to be made of rock why oh well i'm going home"larxene said and she walked into the woods and noticed that nobodies were trying to get in but some nobodies were fighting them off so larxene used thunder on the ones trying to get in and they portalled away larxene to xehanorts room and knocked on the door "are you in there as a somebody uncle xehanort?"larxene asked no replie

    xehanort walked round a corner and saw larxene "hey there are you ok larxene?"xehanort asked

    "yeah i was worried about you nobodies were trying to get in"larxene said
    Post by: naminestwinsister, Oct 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. naminestwinsister
    larxene jumped off the gummi and made a portal but she fell through it like it was dust and she hit the floor with a huge bang so she got up and when the dust cleared she saw a crater from where she had fallen a deep one
    Post by: naminestwinsister, Oct 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. naminestwinsister
    i got this idea from a movie i saw but anyway people are just living normal lives when one day a wind blows and everybody forgets everything they know and only one girl remembers because he was being experimented on with memory chips and sora goes to where this boy is and the girl teaces him everything e knows and uses a machine to bring back enough memorie to make sora know how to eat and talk and this boy does the rest but sora doesnt remember his name so the girl decides to call him sora and sora told someone everything that had happened now that the girl was dead what sora doesnt know is the person he told everything to was in fact an alien and its race made the wind so sora and this alien are trying to teach everybody they can how to do everything from scratch

    taken characters:
    larxene(no memories):naminéstwinsister
    marluxia(no memories):Chendler
    luxord(no memories):TheGamblerOfFate
    Thread by: naminestwinsister, Oct 27, 2007, 41 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  8. naminestwinsister
    i can only remember 4

    Goodnight mister tom
    the BFG
    Post by: naminestwinsister, Oct 27, 2007 in forum: Literature
  9. naminestwinsister
    larxene jumped off the cliff and landed on a gummi ship "uh oh where am i going?"she looked inside the window and saw nobody it was an empty gummi ship preparing to take off

    ooc:batty madam and madam lad lol
    Post by: naminestwinsister, Oct 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. naminestwinsister
    ooc:sorry i havent been able to post my computer keeps crashing or theres a problem with the internet and yesterday i thought my kingdom hearts 2 game was broken anyway sorry

    bic:larxene sat on top of a cliff
    Post by: naminestwinsister, Oct 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. naminestwinsister
    i havent heard of it but it sounds good do you know any web sites i can see a few of them
    Post by: naminestwinsister, Oct 25, 2007 in forum: Literature
  12. naminestwinsister
    i aree luna is weird but then you think shes weird meet me
    Post by: naminestwinsister, Oct 25, 2007 in forum: Literature
  13. naminestwinsister
    i have to say harry potter is my fave series my fave character is um i have two sirius and luna because sirius is just cool and well i'm not going to say it and luna is just always out of this world and out of the wizarding world to
    Post by: naminestwinsister, Oct 25, 2007 in forum: Literature
  14. naminestwinsister
    larxene walked around and tripped over a stone but before she hit the ground she was flying she was a bat "wow i didnt know i could do this i wanna turn back"she said and landed as a human on the floor in a crumpled heap
    Post by: naminestwinsister, Oct 25, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. naminestwinsister

    sibling tv

    it finished "there you see it?mum denies it but its all here on camera"sarena said

    "but we never really did say that did we kairi?"sora said winkig at kairi
    Post by: naminestwinsister, Oct 25, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. naminestwinsister
    its really awesom the way she got the part of luna in fact since i found out how she got the part i've been looking at the newspapers signs anything that could involve an open space in acting itsjust soething i love but have never done properly luna is my second favourite character i just like ron hes funny the way he snapped his wand in the secong book made me laugh my head off
    Post by: naminestwinsister, Oct 25, 2007 in forum: Literature
  17. naminestwinsister

    i am sorry but no more HP books but i have heard J.K Rowling is planning on writing a book on the life of voldemort i think it said it was going to be called tom riddle so maybe we'll have the epic fights with hary

    i cry in books i cried in pretty much every harry potter book especially when someone is hurt or they die books are like freinds to me since i dont actually have any freinds i'm just onsidered a weirdo all because (1.) i'm a book worm (2.) i'm not an emo or chav or skater or anything i'm either nothing or me both are equivalant
    Post by: naminestwinsister, Oct 25, 2007 in forum: Literature
  18. naminestwinsister

    sibling tv

    "yup some guy gave it to me a guy who is now sleeping with the fish anyway hikari its about us about you being way supriour to me watch it"sarena said and it whirred into action and played the scene again

    ooc:i gotta go now nighty night
    Post by: naminestwinsister, Oct 24, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. naminestwinsister
    "well roxas whats going on is uh hang on"naminé said turning her back on them "ah here we go whats happening is something called a xiaolin showdown where two or more people compete in a game to try and win over the shen-gong-wu"naminé said putting the scroll back in her pocket hoping it wouldnt be noticed

    sora summoned his keyblade and hrew it at jack

    jack fell and there was a flashof light and they were all back at the end of the world and sora had all the shen-gong-wu

    "well that was easy jacks such a bufoon and whats up with the flying mask ghost thing?"sora asked "oh well i think chase might be on the other side of this place and i have a short cut TUNNEL ARMADILO"he said and a tiny model of an armodillo turned big with an open cockpit sora jumped in "come on guys
    Post by: naminestwinsister, Oct 24, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. naminestwinsister

    sibling tv


    "dont forget football i'm just glad they didnt try rugby"sarena said

    "ok so was thereanything else to do with the spys?"sora asked

    "there was this"sarena said holding up the camera
    Post by: naminestwinsister, Oct 24, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home