"well larxene nobodie has come to your aid your uncle is powerless now just might be the time to knock you out cold and take you to my new secret lair"xemnas said punchinglarxene knocking her out cold and dragged her towards the portal "no xemnas please you were working on kingdom hearts i was trying to make a clone of it first but i have kingdom hearts in a bottle"xehanort said "your stalling"xemnas said walking through the portal then ran out and draged larxene through "i have to tell the others"xemnas said running out of the forest and he saw the others
ooc - i think that paupous are split in half but that doesnt really matter bic - xemnas stared at larxene "i have come to claim my experiment back seeing for three more days i'm not your uncle"xemnas said grinning xehanort ran out from the bushes "leave her alone experiment on me" xehanort said "sorry other but that would only weaken me when we merge together again"xemnas said "fine but i'm warning you if SHOUTED FOR HELP my freinds would come and destroy you so my uncle can stay forever"larxene said
"oh well why dont we just sit in these chairs and wait for whoever else is here"larxene said sitting down ok bye you shall be missed..NOT! jk
"well what is it a real heart?"larxene asked
larxene please
"how can you be so sure and oh my god why is the moon in the shape of a heart?"larxene said pointing like my avvi larxene poking a heartless
"your probably right but the thing is are we allys or was i trying to take over this castle against you?"larxene asked ok i'm about to change my avvi its not great but its the best i could think of
"yeah but still it shouldnt attack me like that"larxene said and noodies appeared "ok this time i'm not touching them go away things!"larxene shouted and they dissappeared ok now i have an image of larxene poking heartless in my head hillarious
a heartless attacked larxene "hey they are not friendly"larxene said and she used thunder without realizing it and all the heartless dissappeared "whoa how did i do that?"
"actually i think 11 people ive here not including us but what are we supreme rulers over something i mean these are like thrones"larxene said and heartless appeared "marly what are those things should we fight or are they freindly?"larxene asked poking one marly the best?actually hes half the best he has one equal larxene
"ok but seriously who else is here you must have some sort of idea"larxene said walking through the door ooc:marly could easily win against axel and here is the proof http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2bB7I-CKUU
"i'm not sure maybe we are prisoners here what if we need to escape?"she said
"no i'm not one of the girls who likes pink that much maybe the castles yours i mean your hair is pink"she said
"maybe this is castle oblion does it say anything else like who owns it?"larxene asked with a slight hope she owned the castle ooc:london sounds like a sucky place listen to this song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYVJSOFZxDE oh and kids i dont think you should watch it if you choose to ignore me make sure no adults are around
its the curse of the game sonic R complete it or be tails doll and tag super sonic in a 4player tag match apparently tails doll comes out and either kills you or somebody else
"ok why dont you just ad in some letters maybe call yourself marly or something"larxene said
"i dont know the only reason i know my name is because its on the inside of this cloak"larxene said "maybe your names on the inside of yours"
"so how did i get here did you bring me here?"larxene asked
larxene turned "i'm larxene but who are you and where are we?"she asked looking around
ok your both start whenever you like