xerrydox turned round "whats the matter sora you look like you've seen a ghost"xerrydox said "but then i have no need for my disguise anymore"he said "disguise you mean you tricked me?"larxene asked "whoa your slow"he said turning into xemnas "see now you've got your destiny mixed with mine" "what you mean to be dstroyed?"she asked
"i'm going to tell uncle xehanort we shared the paupou coming?"she asked xerrydox "yeah course"he said and walked next to larxene and shot sora an evil look and for a second hs appearence was xemnas then back to his normal self xemnas had made larxene intertwined with him seeing he had swapped bodys with xerrydox he would be destroyed so soon
"then that means our destinies are intertwined i wander if i should have asked uncle xehanort if i could first but whats done is done i know why xemnas needed you though he needed you so he could watch every move i make because there are 13 nobodies in the organization and you were supposed to be one of them" larxene said "but what is it with xemnas trying to steal your heart?"xerrydox asked "simple xehanorts heart is strong so is mine he takes my heart for his precious kingdom hearts then xehanort will be suicidal and surrender his heart i know because i listened to xemnas in this conversation with himself anyway i never introduced you to my freinds this is sora, kairi, riku and chrystale"larxene said pointing to each as she spoke their names
ooc:ok you got them your in larxene continued to sit in the chair
xerrydox looked at the paupou in larxenes hand "so was i to late to come back then?"he asked "what?oh no you werent to late you were going to be the person i shared it with and you know that dont you?putting me in a branch next to a paupou while i was sleeping and strangely having a dream about you"she said "figured it out then anyway you want to share that with me?"he asked "well yes after that dream i wanted to share it with you more than anyone else"larxene replied taking a bite out of it xerrydox took a bite out of it as well "did it work?i was expecting some sort of weird sensation or something"larxene said "maybe the paupou fruit doesnt work but its the thought of it working that counts so really it did work"xerrydox said
suddenly a black portal appeared and a note and a pen fell out but the portal stayed larxene read it out loud "would you like to see me again?please write your answer on the other side of this paper"larxene did what it said and wrote "yes" the person came out of the portal "are you from organization XIII?"larxene asked "fraid so i didnt mean it xemnas tricked me into it he tricked me into giving him my heart but but i made a little duplicate with all my memories and emotions in it well actually proffessor finklestein made it but anyway how are you?"he asked "i'm just great except i'm a vampire and xemnas is forever trying to steal my heart but could you take your hood down please i havent seen your face for so long"larxene said "ok fine"he said taking his hood down "and if you cant remember my face you wont remember my name which was and is xerrydox"he said "so anyway who are your freinds?"he said pointing to kairi and sora and riku and chrystale
"i know i knew him from my past i met him a week before xemnas murdered my parents that day we were t the beach playing with a frizbee but i stll dont know his name"larxene said and she heard a thud and then the sound of something caught in wind when there wasnt any she turned and saw the end of a black cloak that dissappeared behind a bush larxene ran after it but when she was behind the bush there was no sighn anyone had been there so she walked back maybe its just a goos sighn but why cant he just come out that would make me feel alot better"she said staring at the bush
larxene shook her head "no it cant have been anybody from the organization but i know that i want to share a paupou with him more than most things but i still dont know who it is he was wearing the organizations cloak but i just want to know what was behind the cloak but the weird thing is when woke up i was sleeping in the tree do you think maybe he took me to the tree?"larxene asked
"what?but that means that in my dream i-i i wander who it was it only means i might of wanted to share a paupou with someone from the organization it looked like that kind of cloak but i probably dont really want to share a paupou with anyone from the organization"larxene said but she knew that she wanted to share it with the person in her dream moe than alot of things
larxene grabbed a paupou fruit and jumped down from the tree and walked to where sora and kairi were "hey guys i just had the weirdest dream could you tell me what fruit this is i havent seen one of these for years i forget the names"larxene said
larxene sat down and just let any old thing run through her minduntil one thing just clicked into the back of her head she didnt know what this thought was she just knew it involved wanting something or someone she thought harder it was definetly someone someone important to her it wasnt anybody she knew but she wante to share something with him it was some kind of fruit it was a paupou fruit but larxene hadnt seen one for so long she didnt know what it was she just about to take a bite out of it when she woke up she laying in a tree "how did i get here and what was that dream all about and hey thats the fruit from my dream but what fruit is it?"she asked herself
"yeah i dont like nobodies and i had to spend um alot of years with them...and being bossed around by that creep anyway what were you all staring at kairi and sora for earliar?"larxene asked walking out ooc - ok try not to ignore me tommorrow oh and i cant post on wednesday it turns out i really have a freind woohoo yay for me
larxene started moving around weirdly walking into walls falling to the ground and other stuff "the thingy magig in my hearts malfunctioning help me please"larxene said and started spinning around destroying a big machine reveiling markings on the wall the device stopped and larxene could move at her own free will again "hey we are at the secret place that means xemnas made this place right under our noses"larxene said xemnas made a portall and snuck through it next time i'll make it chrystale proof he thought to himself
larxene turned human again she got out her kunai and walked over to xemnas "your outnumbered and outpowered now you will be destroyed "what makes you so sure? i didnt even weaken you your heart was vunerable what i did was implant a control in your heart and guess who has the remote control here let me give you a demonstration"xemnas said pushing a button larxene turnes and stabbed chrystales hand "i'm-i'm sorry chrystale i coulnt control myself"larxene said punching xemnas
xemnas blocked with his saber "technicly shes not your family anymore how can somebodys be related to a heartless or nobodie answer me that chrystale"xemnas said
xemnas turned around "how did you get here chrystale?oh well you can just witness laxene getting weakened and getting her heart stolen all in three seconds"xemnas said pushing the switch larxene screamed and her heart glowed and floated above her and she turned into a heartless and a nobodie they both stared at chrystale helplessly "well so much for being destroyed by friends but i guess being destroyed by me would suffice right larxene?"xemnas said both sabers extended from his arms
ooc - thats ok you were just in the middle of sora and kairis big moment "so larxene where is your smart mouth now my arms extended my finger is inches away from the button nobodie can enter from up to three miles away looks like you are just doomed"xemnas said "chrystale let me come with you larxene may need me wait thats it i can at least talk to her"xehanort said getting out the mirror larxene had given to him "larxene"he said into it and larxene face appeared on the other end "oh hi did you know i'm about to be weakened and my heart stolen in just a matter of seconds nobodie can get in unless they walked from 3 miles away seeing the place is portal proof"larxene said "ok but what about te original portl xemnas forgot to close it"xehanort said "oh yeah ok go through that portal and hurry"larxene said and her face dissappeared from the mirror xehanort looked at chrystale"chrystale come on i'll explain later but larxene is this way"xehanort said running
ooc - um are you ignoring me on purpose?
larxene sat on a chair
xehanort ran over "hey guys larxene has been kidnapped by xemnas but he moved his secret lair to somewhere else i dont know where"xehanort said panting for air "now larxene nobodie can save you nobodie can get in unless they portalled three miles away and walked because anygummi sahips come within three miles will automaticly selfdestruct"xemnas said "wow xemnas that is amazing you managed a 5 syllabble word"larxene said "how foolish you have become but now we dont need a potion to take your heart or to weaken you all i have to do is press this button and its all done for me then a heartless and a nobodie will form you will still have feelings and in the end be destroyed by your friends"xemnas said reaching out to push the buttong