emily went to take a walk on the school grounds she had a plan to sneak into the forbidden forest
can i join? name:emily merchant age: 11 gender:female parents: mum=laura dad=david blood type:half blood wand:oak unicorn hair appernece: house:ravenclaw
ooc: but what if this one never ends?
ooc:sounds kewl
ooc:whats the new rp called?
ooc:are you only using larxene temporarily?
"hang on let me just get the book open to the right page so i can check the spell again turney balurney"larxene said and the book opened up "right i've memorized the spell now lets go kill xemnas"larxene said
"there is one problem with my counter spells chrystale i can only make them last up to 10 seconds i lost the advanced page from my spell book anyway you can stab him in just the right place within for 10 seconds we can finish him for good"larxene said
ooc:awesom dibs on larxene again!!! just kidding if someone else asks first i'm ok with it so when are you gonna post it? and does this mean ditching this rp?
ooc:is it a good idea?lol XP
"i'm well aware of that chrystale but there is one thing i know we can do to destroy him we turn him into a vampire and feed him garlic"larxene said "or i could just simply make a counter spel i've been practising them"
"but...you dont get it its complicated we can't just change time we could however make a new spell one that makes it so it only effects me and the actual somebody xehanort"larxene said ooc:i have to go now good night
Played by:naminestwinsister Name:aria Age:16 Weapon(s):two katanas Appearance: History:is a robot made for evil but refused to do anything evil so was ditched on a beach and met nova Good or Evil (Good is the Crystal company. Evil is trying to get the Cipher Data):good
"ok chrystale what was that all about i'm alive i had xemnas right where we wantedhim so you could kill him and if you had to me and besides if i was doing something wrong why not use the stop spell on my feet and arms?"larxene asked
mias wings turned into normal arms "oh not now i'm right in the middle of finding this castle oblivion" she said her wings being restored as she saw a big castle "that gotta be it!" she exclaimed flying through a window and turning into a cheetah "which way would my creator be?"she asked herself
"you do?ok i'm listening"larxene said "yeah well i'm stabbing"xemnas said throwing the kunai and hitting larxene who then dissappeared and reappeared behind xemnas and grabbed him "wow i never knew i could just teleport without making a portal and grabbing that kunai before it hit me was just skill anyway you were saying chrystale"larxene said
"xemnas why you dont die?"larxene asked "because my dear i have to kill you first thats why the organization came back to power as long as the superiour survives we all survive but i cant die until your dead because of your parents larxene they wanted to be sure you lived but they did the spell wrong so that you'd have to die first but they never noticed"xemnas said hearing this larxenes woozyness wore off "xemnas!you killed my parents and have tryed to kill me just so you can die you complete nutty idiot!"larxene screamed getting out her kunai "but this just means i can easily make you pay for all this and xerrydox stay there"larxene screamed at him as he took a step fowards "but larxene its like you said there are things worst than death and not being able to die is one of them do you know how hard it is to be stabbed over and over and not die just feel the pain?"xemnas said "then you should have stayed with us before you made out you were a bad guy but now i dont think any of us would bother taking you in especially when the other members of the org will be after you and us"larxene said "wait a minute havent we said those things before its like um whats that word?"xemnas said "you stupid head the word is déjà vu"larxene said "anyway back to the argument HOW DARE YOU KILL MY PARENTS BECAUSE YOU COULDNT DIE YOU FIEND AND HOW DO YOU KNOW ALL THIS ANYWAY?"larxene screamed xemnas just fell silent he really didnt want to get larxene an y more angry he knew how she got when she was angry
mia decided to leave she had a slight memorie of her creators shirt as he was dragged into a portal by somebody in a black cloak mia wandered weather to fly to her destination or to run there she chose fly she had a good feeling that a bird could make it she only remembered her creater say "they are coming to take me to castle oblivion in the world that never was just find a way to get there" she transformed herself into a bird and started to fly
larxene opened one eye "i'm not giving in that easily"larxene said "brave last words"xemnas said drawing the kunai from himself and throwing it at larxene then started to jump on her "uh xemnas AKA stupidhead i'm behind you"larxene said and there was no sighn she had ever been injured or ever been on the floor below xemnas
larxene turned around and closed her eyes waiting for xemnas to start begging xemnas took his oppurtunity and stabbed larxene in the back "finally hasta la bye bye"xemnas said and drew larxenes kunai (he'd picked it out from where larxene stabbed him earliar)and stabbed himself